Chapter Fifteen

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I don't see my husband the next day.

He's gone before I wake and comes late after I'm asleep. He doesn't answer my calls.

The day after that, I wake up early to meet him.

He walks right by me.

I call out his name softly...  he doesn't stop. He just pushes past the revolving door and walks through. I stand staring after him, unable to move watching as the door closes after him.

His eyes hadn't even moved in my direction. His stride hadn't faltered.
He had seen through me. Walked past me.

I let out a breath, staring up at the ceiling.

My writing had taken a hit. A nasty hit. My editor metaphorically and methodically tore apart my first draft and I had no defences against her questions.

She was right, only parts of it reflected my writing. Everything else only reflected the mess of emotions I was in.

The plot was filled with holes, the dialogue was dull, the heroine was un-relatable.

"The only thing," my editor had said, "that shined through at every scene is the male interest."

But we can't sell a book on one single aspect, Alanna.

I press the edge of my hands against my eyes. I had been staring at an empty screen with a blinking cursor for one hour now.

Not a single drop of creativity flowed through.

Every sentence I've typed I deleted seconds later. Nothing was good enough. Nothing fit.

My plot lay in shreds. My heart was worse off. My state of mind... I didn't even want to talk about.

Even I knew why my writing had turned worse. If he would just let me speak to him!

I reach for my phone and call him again.

It rings and rings... and eventually disconnects.

It doesn't feel funny anymore. It doesn't amuse me or entertain me.
With all my heart and mind and soul I beg the universe for him to just answer. Just once. I just wanted to talk to him.

I look up at the front door.

"Oh oh." Houston says.

I'm on my feet before I can decide otherwise. This time, when Houston asks me to call Bal through the intercom, I do.

"Mrs. Kri." Comes the gruff sounds of my husband's close friend and right hand man.

"Bal, would you be able to drive me to my husband's company?" I ask, shifting on my feet.

A pause. "Yes, ma'am." He says.

Twelve minutes later, I've dressed in a cream skirt and blue blouse and was climbing into the car and thanking Bal as he shuts the door for me.
I stare around me as he takes me to my husband's company. It was exactly seven minutes away from home.

Bal opens the door for me and someone else gets into the car, driving it away. Bal escorts me to the elevator.

Everyone here was Yade. And they all stare. I meet a few eyes and the women smile and the men nod respectfully. I return their gestures, a little surprised.

I hadn't expected... acknowledgement.

Bal waits for me to step outside the elevator and I finally take a minute to notice the glass, black and silver interiors of the company. 

TimeBound (Time Tells #1) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now