Chapter Thirty Two

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The next morning when I wake up, a wide smile spreads across my face. I open my eyes and recognise my room. So that's where he had brought us last night. I turn to look beside me.. but the bed is empty. I get up, clutching my sheet to me and look around. Where was he?

I stand, the sheet sliding off me and pulled on his shirt that had landed on the large cushioned chair that was in my room. I leave to go searching for him. I softly pad across to his room and knock, calling his name but there was no reply.

I check the rest of the house. He wasn't here.

Getting worried, I go to fetch my phone and send a call through to him. It rings for two minutes before the operator tells me that my call had gone unanswered. As was usual. But... a sinking feeling settled into my stomach and I pick up the receiver that was linked to the servers' quarters.

"Where's Kri?" I ask the house.

After a pause, Houston replies, "He left for work early this morning, Mrs. Kri."

"Did he...did he leave a message for me?" But I already know the answer.

"No, Mrs. Kri. Would you like me to contact Mr. Kri?"

Despite everything that had transpired last night between us, those previous moments I would forever hold close to my heart... only one thought reverberated through me.

He didn't even tell me.

My heart squeezes and a cruel voice in my head asks me what else I expected.

"No, thank you." I whisper softly.

I walk to my room, ripping off his shirt and throwing it away and head straight to the bathroom. I force myself to think about anything and nothing as long as I don't think about him. I washed myself and shampooed my hair gently and kept my thoughts strictly to the here and now.

When I came out, I quickly dress in jeans and a loose top. I bring my laptop and stay in my bed, furiously churning out content for the next series I had planned.

My chest felt like it was being carved into. And while all of me was focused on my work, a large part of me remained at war.

You know he had to start work today.

Was it too much to ask for him to not leave without a word? A note? A message? Especially after what we shared last night?

I stop typing.

I wasn't being irrational. I didn't expect him to stay. It was important he went today. Him leaving wasn't the issue here. It's the nature of his departure. It wouldn't have taken him two seconds to leave me a note with Houston. Or pick up my call.

Hell he hadn't even wanted his so called morning kisses.

Another thought rang through the chaos of madness and anger.

The love of my life wanted to hate me and I didn't know why or how to fix it.

My parents had to give me away to save society.

Did anyone really want me?

Yes. He does.

This time the voice that spoke was not my mind's. It was soft, familiar and kind. A voice I recognised from my dreams. A soft one of wise compassion and age old faith. The voice of my soul I would like to think.

Then why do I feel like crap? I asked the voice.

There was no response and slowly, my eyes closed against my will and I let out a breath. Hearing the voice brought me back a lot of peace. I had never heard this kind of conviction while awake. It was like when I had first seen him. A wakeful dream.

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