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One week later...

"Mr. Kri, Mrs. Kri's mother just asked her, again, if she is happy."

I slant my head back, looking away from the code that runs on the screen before me.

"Would you like me to link the call remotely to your server?"

"Do better." I say.

Standing, I undo the button of my suit and walk toward the front of my desk. Leaning, I cross my arms and lift my gaze to the hologram that had appeared before me, of my wife in her room.

On her bed. Her hair fanned out around her. Staring up at the ceiling with a smile on her face. Despite seeing her this morning, I find myself looking over her as if I had never seen her before.

She sucks in a deep breath and closes her eyes.

"Yeah," she says softly, her soft smile speaking several hundred words. "So damned happy."

I slide the video feed close and shut my eyes.

Then, I take my first fucking breath since that damned night when I was eighteen, that still feels like yesterday.

"Mr. Kri, Mr. Kren has arrived. Shall I allow him in?" My assistant's voice filters through the phone.

I open my eyes and glance over at the time.

"Let him in, Orre."

"Yes, Mr. Kri."

Kren enters not four seconds later. Eyes grey swirled and a splitting replica of his brother otherwise, he walks into my office and tilts his head in greeting.

"Mr. Kri, finally." He says. Then he looks at me and a smile grows on his face slowly, "A true pleasure to meet you."


PART II of the Time Tells Series, TIMELESS, is coming soon!



Whatcha think my lovelies? ♥️♥️
Good? You like? Oui? ♥️♥️♥️

As always it's been a true pleasure writing for you'll and I endeavour to do so pretty much for the rest of my life. I hope to see you'll rather soon and I hope you'll love Kri and Alanna's journey as much I loved writing it. ♥️♥️♥️

Until next time, sweetums!

P.S.: This beautiful cover was made by @wish247 and I just absolutely fell in love with it! Thank you so much love! <3! It's everything I never knew I wanted!


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