Chapter Thirty Three

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When we reach home, he opens the door for us and I step in. I pick up my pumps and swing them in my hand as I head into the house.

"If you feel like it," he says and I turn around and see him loosening his tie, "Join me tonight."

He doesn't look at me when he says it or after he says it, he just keeps walking and heads past me through the swivel door. I smile and shake my head.

He can't hate me, no matter what.

I shook my head and laughed softly as I walked to my room, my flip flops swinging gently in my hands.

Our roads would always lead to one another.

I follow him into his room, looking around with wide eyes. The room was..subdued. A simple bed with grey covers. Grey carpet. Grey walls.

He had a bed, a small bedside table beside his bed. And that's all. He neither had books nor a table or a chair or...

I look towards the door I presume would lead to his closet. When I open it, I gasp because his was several times smaller than mine. Simple racks of shirts, pants, ties and shoes. A single drawer opens with a collection of watches.

And that's all.

I step out and stare at my husband as he unbuttons his shirt, having untucked it from his pants. I swallow, drawing my eyes away from the dark skin that gleamed under the dim lights.

I step out and shut the door behind me. I walk towards my husband and he stills, eyes on mine, fingers paused halfway down in their task.

I meet his gaze, before dropping them to where his hands were. I push his hands away and undo the remaining buttons for him. When they're done, I look up at him.

"Turn around." He says jerking his chin at me.

I raise a brow. "What?" I ask. In case he hasn't realised, that night few days ago in my bedroom hadn't ensued into us singing kumbaya around a fire.

A smile slips over his lips. A playful one. One I had seen light his lips all of tonight.

"I'm shy." He says.

I'm laughing as I turn around. As I look away while my husband changes, I know there was something in his eyes that was awakening my intuition. A look. Wary. Unready. As if this was too much too fast.

I take a breath, preparing to pull myself back, keeping his hesitation and unsureness in mind. When I hear him call my name, I turn.

Unlike him, I wasn't the least bit shy. Not with him. I pull my blouse off, snagging the shirt he had removed and tugging it over me. It falls just above my knees. I pull my skirt off and fold both my clothes and lay them over the bedside table.

I could feel the weight of his gaze. He watched me with that focused gaze of his. Unmoving and undeterred. But they remained on my face. My eyes.

I smile and jump onto his bed. It barely bounces, but the comforter was soft against my skin. I slide my feet under it and look expectantly up at my husband.

He stands exactly where he had been with with a long sleeved grey shirt and sleep pants. He watched me with that same hooded but wary gaze.

"I promise I won't make you do anything you don't want to." I say and my lips twitch only a little.

His eyes narrow at me and he rips the comforter off and lays straight over me. I laugh, crossing my hands at the nape of his neck. I smile up at him, raising my knees on either side of him and allowing him to settle more into me.

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