Chapter Twenty

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Thrill swirls up me on one side, while on the other side, dissatisfaction curdles.

"To this marriage or to me?" I ask.

"What's the difference?" He asks me, almost flippantly.

My temper sparked. "There's a lot of bloody difference."

My husband looks at me for sometime, before shaking his head at me.

"Only a human would be dissatisfied with that answer." He says finally.

The sparks blow into a fire.

"Alright then, since we're so much lesser than you. Dumb it down for me. You're committed to me. Yes or no?" I ask him, my gaze burning into him.

My husband seems to allow all the fire I show him warm him before letting it burn into his own gaze as he stares back at me.

"What about you?" He asks me, "Are you committed to me?"

"Of course I am!" I snap.

He seems taken aback for a second, blinking those beautiful blues. Then a sweet smile spread his lips. He hesitates for a part of a second, before lifting one hand and rubbing the back of his fingers against the side of my throat.

My eyes widen as warmth seeps into me. His fingers disappear the same second I feel them. A whisper of a touch.

"A true gift." He murmurs. Just then, his phone rings.

I stare disbelievingly at it when he pulls it out.

"You have it rigged don't you?" I ask him, "To get you out of sticky situations."

He answers it with a smirk in my direction. I narrow my eyes and lunge for the phone. He leans away easily.

When I try again, he steps out of my way, his brows furrowed in reaction to whatever the person on the phone was saying.

I whip around and stalk to him. "Give that to me." I growl as I jump to try to catch the edge of the device in my hands. Shadows grab onto me and pull my hands away. They start to gently drag me away.

My husband watches me with swirling eyes, rubbing his thumb over his lower lip as he responds in a low voice to the caller on the phone.

"Fight fair!" I challenge him, fighting the gentle hold the shadows have over me.

My husband raises a brow at me, but doesn't take the bait.

"Don't make me fight dirty, Kri." I say, daring him as the shadows continue to pull me further back.
Kri's eyes narrow mildly, as if curious.

"I will make sex sounds, I swear!" I all but shout in his direction as the revolving door spins open behind me and I'm lead backwards toward it.
My husband stills. Then his eyes close.

Letting out a breath, his lips twitching, he says, "We'll see you tomorrow, father." He says into the receiver.

"Uh oh." Houston says appropriately.

I stop struggling.

The shadows release me as my husband cuts the call. He stares at me with lips pressed together.

"Did I just...say sex sounds in your father's hearing range?" I whisper.

My husband's lips twitch further, "It would seem so."

I slap my hands over my face.

"That didn't just happen." I say to myself, "That did not just happen."

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