Chapter Thirteen

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My heart beats straight out of my chest. I focus, to keep any reaction off my face.

I feel the sounds from my phone. If I concentrated over the sounds of the water open behind me and the soft music, I could hear my husband's voice.

What was important now was for him to hear my voice.

I shut the water off, facing the men again.

"This is the ladies' room, gentlemen." I say a little more loudly then I need to.

There's no more sounds from my phone and I hope that means he heard me. And not that the call had disconnected.

"We can do this the easy way or the painful way." One of them says. The one with deep red hair.

My eyes flick between the both of them and I narrow my eyes.

"How about we do it my way and you turn your asses and walk out the way you came, assholes."

Apparently fear made me talkative.

A single bead of perspiration trickled down my back. Goosebumps rose across my skin. My phone remained silent, soundless against me.

"A lot of talk for a bitch who sold herself." The other one says, the meaner one. With a scar on his face.
My expression hardens.

"And you're here because of social service?" I ask.

Hands clenching by his side the mean one takes a step forward.

"This would be social service." He says.

"Congratulations," I sneer, "Your parents must be so proud."

I receive a backhand for that. My head snaps to the side, pain spasming across my cheek. My teeth had cut into my tongue and my eyes sting at the pain radiating across my skull.
I turn my head back to face him, my eyes glaring into his.

"You're going to pay for that." I tell him quietly.

"Believe me. We're getting paid for it." The mean one says.

"I'm here with people. My husband knows where I am. How exactly are you going to get me out of here?"

"You're going to do that yourself. Walk out of this restaurant and into the red sedan waiting outside."

"And if I don't?" I ask, glaring.

"We have people watching your two friends outside. Any misstep on your part, they'll follow your friends home. And you may never meet them again."

My fists tighten and my anger overwhelms any fear I feel. No one would touch my friends.

"Go straight to them. Tell them you have to leave and get out."

Scar-face reaches out and catches my arm and squeezes. His red rimmed gaze meets mine. I stare into his eyes, my teeth gritting.

He didn't need to say anything else. The or else was evident.

I nod once, still glaring at him. He loosens his grips and slowly traces one finger down my arm. I jerk my hand out of his reach, my skin prickling where ever he had touched me and my face twisting in disgust.

"Don't touch me." I grind out.
Scar-face leans back, a sneer on his face.

"There'll be time for that later." is what he says.

"Man..." the other one says, the red haired one. Who'd been quiet all this while and who suddenly looked unsure.

Scar-face ignores him.

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