Chapter 13

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"Can we go get breakfast at IHOP, pretty please," I begged as we walked to the car. Gino had picked me up that morning, promising that he would take me to eat after class. Which he probably shouldn't have told me before, because all I could do during class was mull over restaurant ideas. I had absolutely no idea what Cash had talked about today.
"Well, of course," he responded, "I told you we could eat wherever you wanted today."
I practically leaped from excitement, this guy knew that the way to my heart was through food. We hopped in the car, and he started it up. Before he could notice, I had stolen the aux cord. My good mood called for my kinda music - not his!
"BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY ROCKIN EVERYWHERE," I sang, dancing like a maniac. I smiled, glancing at Gino who had a look of disdain. He could pretend all he wanted, but I knew that deep down he liked my music. Or, he at least liked my dance moves.
As I was dancing, Gino began searching through his pockets. He motioned for me to take the wheel, so I refrained from dancing and did just that. After a struggle, he managed to finally get his phone out. He abruptly turned my music off, and motioned for me to be quiet.
"Hello," he answered, sounding really formal. I was sitting particularly still, trying to hear what the other person on the line was saying.
"Does your offer still stand," the voice asked. It was a man.
Gino must have noticed that I was gawking, because he switched the phone to his other ear. I knew I wouldn't be able to hear anything else from that angle, so I gave up and looked out the window.
Gino responded blankly, "Yes."
I wondered who the mystery voice was, but knew that it would be pointless for me to ask Gino about any of it. He would never give me any answers.
"Yes, sir," Gino said, and then hung up the phone.
"You have to go," I asked, looking out the window, trying to hide the disappointment on my face.
He reached across the car and grabbed my hand. "I'm so sorry, babe," he said.
I knew that I had no right to be upset with him over keeping secrets, I mean he was taking me to Boston in a few weeks. But I couldn't help but feel the anger rising in my stomach. If Gino was going to keep secrets, I knew there was no future for us. Especially since he's going home in May. I sighed, realizing that Gino had been staring at me.
I nodded, reassuring him that all was good in our world. But was it?


"Once again, with the sneaking around and secrets," I exclaimed, venting to Lyn over the phone. "I swear, this boy is locked up tighter than Fort Knox!"
"Maybe he's like an undercover agent or something, wouldn't that be hot," Lyn said. She always has quite the imagination, especially since she started watching that show with the Pope lady. She always thinks everyone is living a double life because of that show.
"Or, I'm just someone to occupy his time until he graduates, so there's no need in telling me anything about him."
"Girl, I'm sorry, but you aren't putting out. If you were sleeping with the guy, I could totally see it. But aren't you guys still hanging out on first base?"
I blushed, knowing that she was right. Besides my lips, I had barely let Gino touch me.
"Look, Paige is crying so I have to go. Don't jump to anymore conclusions until you have some tangible evidence, you got it," she demanded.
"Okay, goodbye Lyn," I said, and hung up the phone.
I was in my bedroom, laying down on the bed with my feet propped up high in the air. I let my mind wander on all things Gino Goretti.
Starting with the obvious, he is drop dead gorgeous. Add to that the fact that he lives in a fancy apartment and drives an extravagant car, and you have a potential Fifty Shades character, right?
I could tell just by the way he handles himself around me and other women that he is no doubt experienced, I mean how could he not be? I'm sure every girl he's ever met has thrown themselves at him. So why me?
I stood up, and glanced at myself in the mirror. I wasn't a knockout like my mom or Lyn, but I thought I had nice features. My booty was plump, and my legs are nicely toned. I wonder if Gino liked the way I looked.
Thinking about him looking at me in that way had my heart racing, and I realized that in a little over a week, I would be flying across the country with him - a guy whom I had only been dating for like a solid month. One month. What if he had expectations about the trip, about me? Were we going to sleep in the same room?
I could feel my chest tightening up, and I knew that I had better quit while I was ahead. I laid down, enjoying the serenity of the house as Papa was napping. Maybe that's what I needed, a nap.
I laid back on my pillow, and tried to think about anything but Gino.
Gino Goretti, the mystery.

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