Chapter 24

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"Mila Thompson," the announcer called.
I watched a girl walk across the stage who was a stranger to me just five short months ago. Yet today, as she struts up that ramp in a long black robe and heels, I see a girl who is too good for Gino Goretti. We've been living in a fantasy world that is falling in love in college. But Mila? She's pure. She's whole. She's raw. Where does that fit in back home? In my head, it doesn't work. But in my heart, I know that I no longer exist without her.
"That's my girl," I shout, as she places the tassel on the left side of her cap. She smiles for a picture with the Dean, and just as quickly as she walked into my life, she walks off of the stage. I'm sitting here holding a degree that means just as much as hers, yet, I'm beaming with pride at what Mila has just accomplished.
I was lucky enough to have been seated on the end of the row, and I made sure Mila could see me as she drew closer. When Mila passed by, she put her hand in mine. As my lips brushed her the top of her hand, I couldn't help but think about how I wanted to put her above everything; the life, the family, the future; it's all in the palm of that fragile hand that just left my lips.


I looked for her after the ceremony, but just as I had expected, the crowd was too chaotic. I grabbed my empty diploma holder, and headed for the spot where I knew my family would be waiting for me.
I turned the corner to see the whole crew there, standing in silence.
"GINO!" Cami squealed, as she jumped into my arms. I kissed her on the cheek, and threw her in the sky.
"Cami, did you see me walk across the stage? I didn't trip once! Aren't you proud," I asked, laughing as I put her down and hugged Elena.
"Yeah, but Mila was so pretty," she exclaimed, giggling in my direction. I shot a glance toward Elena, expecting her to jump in and cover up the fact that Cami just name-dropped without permission. I crossed my fingers hoping that Paap wasn't listening.
"Congratulations bub, we're really proud of you," Elena said.
"Yes, we sure are. More importantly, we're excited that you're coming home," Paap said, leaning against the wall. "The boys wanted to come, but they had a last minute thing to clean up for me. I'm sure you understand," he finished, glancing toward Cami.
"Sure," I said, "alright, let's get pictures out of the way so I can take this robe off!"
After we finished pictures, we headed over to Al's. I had made sure to cover my bases with Mary so that she wouldn't mention Mila around Paap. I'd gone through this much trouble to keep distance between the two of them, and didn't want to screw it up now.
I love my family, but dinner just seemed to drag on. I kept looking at Cami, expecting to see the little baby that she was when I left home for college. Leaving her was the hardest thing I'd ever done, but I'm doing all of this for her future - so that it's not what it is destined to be now.
We talked about when I was moving home, or more like Paap told me when I was moving home. There was an apartment open next to Elena, and it just made sense to rent that place out so that I could be close to her and Cami. Elena had truly stepped up for Cami, and I knew that it was time for me to follow suit.
Elena talked about how much she loved working at the hospital in Carltown, but that her hours were about to increase.
Cami will start first grade in August, which just doesn't seem possible.
I look around the table, and see the people who have always meant the most to me. Yet, still, something is missing. I'm attempting to ignore how I'm feeling when my pocket vibrates. Thinking to myself, I know I'll get the lecture of a lifetime if I pull my phone out at the dinner table.
"Excuse me," I say, as I stand and make my way to the bathroom.
I lock the stall, and pull out my phone to see a text from Mila that says, "Hurry home, baby." Just those three little words, and my chest is on fire. As I'm about to text her back, she sends a picture of her legs peeking out of the bath, and bubbles covering up the rest.
I text back, "Don't you move until I get there!" Knowing full well that she'd be dressed in her snoopy pajamas and tank top watching Netflix by the time I got home.

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