Chapter 33

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I woke up at Gino's and reached over to his side of the bed only to find that he wasn't there. I yawned, looking around the rest of the bedroom. His wallet and belt were gone, which usually meant that he was gone as well.
I got dressed, and walked into the living room to find Lenny and Matty sitting on the sectional. On my arrival, they both stood.
"Good morning, Mila," they both muttered, almost in unison.
I had grown used to them being around all the time, even though it was a little odd at first. I knew in the back of my mind that they weren't going anywhere anytime soon, so I had decided that it was time to get to know them a little bit. Especially since they are so important to Gino.
"You boys hungry?"
Like ravenous dogs, they both nodded eagerly.
"Give me a few minutes, and you'll mistake this place for IHOP."
I went into the kitchen, and dug around for whatever I could find. I managed to scrounge together two muffin mixes, a dozen eggs, flour, and milk. Pleased with the loot, I began to cook.


"Mila, this is delicious," Lenny said as he was scarfing down the pancakes. Matty nodded in agreement.
"Well, I hate to say it, but this food is a bit of a bribe," I said.
They stopped eating, and looked at one another. You would think that I had just taken away their rights to eat.
"Oh, calm down. I just meant that I'm expecting to hear some juicy Gino stories from the two of you before the day is over," I explained. I was only partially kidding. I was hoping that hearing about young Gino would give me a little bit more of a big picture scenario - so that I could have a better prediction for how he might react to the news that I was pregnant... with my rapist's child... with his brother's child.
Once they finished eating, they both opened up like two old bitties in a beauty salon. I discovered that Lenny had a family back home, a wife and a son. His wife was his high-school sweetheart, and they married quickly after graduation because she was pregnant. I suddenly felt guilty for all the time that Lenny had to spend with me, because that meant that he was away from his family.
They were both Gino's age, and had gone to school with him for their entire lives. When I probed about Gino's adolescent years, they didn't disappoint with the stories.
A lot of the stories started with someone hurting a member of his family, and Gino settling it in a fight. As they were telling the stories, I kept having flashbacks to the night that Gino attacked Jesse. He was in a state that I had never seen him in before, and it was no doubt frightening. Apparently, he hadn't changed much since high-school, but I can't say that I blame him.
Matty was just as I had suspected - a single guy who wasn't even in the business for looking for a lady. I made a mental note that if I were to ever have to be 'babysat' overnight again, that I would insist it be Matty so that Lenny could be home with his family. I wondered for a moment how much of Lenny's life his wife knew about.
Their faces lit up as they talked about Gino, reminding me of how I felt when I first met him. He has this insatiable quality about him that just makes you want to stick by his side no matter what. I had thought that I was the only one who had that type of relationship with him, but it was quite obvious that I was not.
We heard the door slam, and looked over to see Gino entering the apartment.
"Better be quiet, boys, wouldn't want Gino to find out all of the secrets that you've revealed today," I said, walking over to greet my man.
"Good morning, love," Gino said, kissing me. He looked past me and saw the feast - or more like the remains of the feast. The boys had pretty much devoured everything in sight, and I took that as a sign that my cooking wasn't half bad.
"Should I be worried that you are cooking for other men," Gino questioned. I loved that although he was joking, there was a strong hint of jealousy lying underneath that statement. I'm not sure why, but a man being a tad bit jealous is such a sexy thing.
"Well, I just thought they deserved an awesome breakfast with all of the time they have to put in babysitting me," I scolded. Gino rolled his eyes in response to my comment. He had lectured me many times that the boys were there for my protection, not babysitting.
"Boys, you are off duty for the day," Gino said, "I'd like to have a chat with my lady if that's okay." He shot a wink in my direction.
The boys thanked me for their breakfast, and left.
Gino sat at the barstool, and pulled a manila folder from his jacket, throwing it on the bar.
"We need to talk."
Great, what now?


"I've been thinking," I started, trying to form the right words to persuade her into something I knew she was going to bulk on.
"I know that the plans have obviously been put off because of everything that's happened, but I think it's time that we talk about the transition to Carltown," I said, my heart racing.
Mila stopped picking up pans, and looked in my direction. Her caramel locks were softly curled around her face, and her arms tense. The tank top she was wearing came down really low, showing off a little more than usual. I had to snap myself out of it just to pull my eyes away from her chest. Focus Gino, stay focused.
"Your transition to Carltown," she clarified, just as I knew she would.
"Mila, I can't be the only one moving, you know that."
"What're you expecting me to do? Take Papa away from the only place he's ever known. One of the few places he feels comfortable with in all of his confusion? No, Gino, I won't do it," she demanded.
Before the incident, Mila had hesitated to speak her mind to me. I always knew that she was frustrated, but she very rarely verbalized it. Most of the time, she just sulked, pouted, or completely avoiding me. But now, it seemed she was overtly comfortable 'eating my soup.' Quite loudly, actually. She threw a pot into the sink, and it slammed against the stainless steel with a loud clink.
"Mila," I started, standing and making my way to her. I took the lid out of her hand, and placed it on the counter. "I can't leave you here, you know that."
"Then don't leave," she said, her voice soft again.
I paused, wishing more than anything that I could grant that wish for her. But I knew that I couldn't.
"Will you at least look at the house before saying no," I pleaded.
Her eyebrows shot up with curiosity, and she walked over to the bar. She opened the manila envelope, and her eyes scanned through the information.
The house has two stories with a livable basement - extravagant, I know. But I knew we would need a lot of space to accommodate so many people. I was hoping that Mila would agree to move with me, bringing Bob of course. They could have the whole top floor to themselves, and Cami and I could have the basement. I was even hoping that Elena would move in with us, as well. There was no sense in her living alone and paying for a place that she would never be at. Her hours were about to be ridiculous, and living with us would ease up some of the responsibilities for her.
"It's huge," Mila responded.
"I know, but don't we need huge?"
She nodded in agreement, but stayed silent. Her eyes were wide, and it looked as though she had a million thoughts running through her head. What I would give to know what went on in that head of hers, especially now.
"I'll think about it," she said, turning to rest on my chest. She took in a deep breath, and let it out.
Well, that was a better reaction than I was expecting. I sighed, taking her lack of an immediate rejection as a small victory.

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