Chapter 2

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The next Monday, Professor Cash rambled on about diffusion and osmosis. I could see no relevance of this information for my future, but I guess I'll take notes about it anyway.
We were about to be assigned our first lab to complete. I'm not exactly sure how all of this is supposed to work seeing as this is my first hybrid class and I don't do so well with unstructured activities. Were we supposed to complete them on campus? At our houses?
I wonder if Mila lives on campus or at home. If she lives on campus, it would only make sense for me to travel here. But if she lives at home, we could always do it at the apartment. Would she think it was weird if I invited her over to my apartment?
"The lab that you will be completing will be the simplest of them all, so let's hope that you and your partner can get through this one together," Professor Cash said. I am almost positive that was meant to be funny, but Cash was the only one who giggled.
Mila was taking notes as Cash talked about the extra supplies needed to complete the labs at home. Her hair was long and flowed down the center of her back. It was a beautiful, yet unique color - almost like the color of caramel. She did today, as she had on Monday and Friday, smell just like a sugar cookie. The smell was delightful, yet torturous, because I still have not woken up early enough to grab breakfast before class.
Cash handed us the lab procedures, and dismissed everyone. Mila was packing up her stuff, but it was obvious that she was hanging around waiting for me to ask her about the lab.
"So, on a scale of one to ten, how excited are you about slicing and dicing potatoes?" I said.
"Well, usually the slicing and dicing of potatoes results in me eating them - which is always a desirable result. But, I'm not so sure that the excitement will be the same with drowning them in sucrose solutions," she said as she smiled.
"Do you have a class right now?"
"Actually, no. This is the only class that I have to show up to."
"Awesome, wanna grab some breakfast in the den and work out the lab details?"
"Yeah, I'm starving. 8 a.m. classes and my stomach are definitely not friends," she said.
"You and me both," I said. I waited for her to finish packing up her bag, then we headed toward the den.
We made our way through the chaotic breakfast line, and perched ourselves on a few barstools in the cafeteria. This place was always packed with students who lived on campus, which meant they had rolled out of bed and come straight to the den. I was shocked at the attire that I had witnessed people wearing in my five years at this university, but I bet they were thinking the same thing about me. There was a group of sorority girls sitting in the booth next to our table. It was easy to pick them out of a crowd, especially at this university. They were always coordinated at all times; if one of them was wearing leggings and a ponytail, they all had to. Despite their looks, their laughter was something I could never get on board with. Who needs to laugh that much - or that loud, for that matter. Their behavior was atrocious, but nothing could distract me from Mila sitting across the table. Her focus was on my tray, as mine was on her.
"I'm glad to see that you don't mess around when it comes to breakfast," she said, glancing at my tray.
I looked down, realizing just how much food I had packed on one plate. Three waffles, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, and a biscuit. On second thought, I should have just grabbed oatmeal. "Well, there's something about skipping breakfast in the morning that makes me think I have the ability to eat just about anything that I see."
"So, I definitely should have paid more attention to Cash today, because I have absolutely no idea what we are supposed to be doing on this lab," she said.
"Well, that would make two of us. But we'll figure it out. Any idea on where you wanted to do the lab at," I asked, hoping that by putting the ball in her court, it would make it less awkward about asking her over to my apartment. By the looks of Mila, I needed to focus all of my efforts on keeping this relationship strictly professional. Because if I don't, this girl will be shirtless at my apartment in less than 72 hours.
"Well, we could always do it on campus." she said, more as a question than a statement. "But, I'm not sure how the library would feel about test tubes and potatoes."
"Yeah, I would hate to ruin my reputation at the library," I said, hoping she knew that I was being sarcastic. "My place is just a few miles from campus, we could always do it there if you want."
I could see the wheels turning in her head. Great, Gino, you've managed to creep out the person you have to work with all semester on the first outing.
"That would be perfect, I mean, if that's okay with you."
"Absolutely. Any certain day work for you?"
"Uh, I know it's soon, but would tomorrow evening be okay? It's the only evening I can be out before Friday," she said, looking a little embarrassed. For only having 7 hours on her plate this semester, it sounds like Mila has no time for play. That's a good thing.
"Yeah, that works great. I'll be off work at 3, want to start around 4?" I said, trying not to sound too eager.
"4 is great! You can just text me the address if you'd like."
"Alright, I will do that right now. I always forget things if I put them off." I guess I should just tell her now that I'm forgetful, she'll learn sooner rather than later, I'm sure.
"Since we're using your place, I can bring the water and the potatoes," she said, making a note in her planner.
I know it's not a date, but it feels weird to have a lady pay for supplies that I'll be using. If Paap taught me anything about women, it is that men always cover the tab.
"Actually, I have some potatoes and water at the apartment already, so we should be set." That was a total lie, but I think she was pleased by the response. Her cheeks turned to roses as she started to gather her trash from the table.
"I better head to the library to get started on my online course. I guess I'll see you tomorrow night, Gino," she said as she grabbed her bag and coffee.
"Sounds good, have a great day, Mila."
As she walked away, I couldn't help but notice that she had a beautiful strut. Not in the way that makes teenagers gawk, but as her head was held high, shoulders straight, she walked as though the world was at her fingertips. There was something about Mila that made her stand out from those walking next to her. I wanted to believe that as she was walking, I was admiring her physique. But there's no denying that rump that's swaying as she walks. Down, Gino.
Potatoes, check. Water, check. Test tube pack, check. I took one last glance around the apartment hoping that I had cleaned up every ounce of evidence that a disgusting guy lives here. As long as she doesn't go in the bedroom, we should be good.
I'm anxious, yet excited. Why the hell am I excited to do a biology lab?
And there's the doorbell.

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