Chapter 35

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"So who all is going to be at this dinner, tonight," Mila yelled from the bathroom.
Despite my best efforts, Mila insisted on going to this Sunday dinner. They happened every week with my immediate family, and once a month with the extended family, so it wasn't like we would be missing out on a whole lot if we just skipped tonight. But Mila was adamant that we attend.
"Tonight will just be family, a few uncles, cousins, and then our side, of course," I said. Mila didn't respond.
I had tried to be patient with Mila, but something had been off between us lately. The conversations feel forced, and the tension seems thick. But, who could blame her, I've practically ruined her life at this point. Still, I couldn't figure out why she was so persistent about attending tonight.
"Will this work, I never know what to wear since my boyfriend is always in a full suit" she said, coming out of the bathroom wearing a long burgundy dress that made her upper half almost impossible not to look at. She had on her favorite nude heels, and was absolutely irresistible.
"You look gorgeous, babe," I said. I walked over and wrapped my hand around her hip, running my hands down her thigh. And then I felt it.
"Mila, are you kidding me," I said, stepping back in disbelief.
"Gino, we aren't going there again. We're a package deal, if it stays here, I stay," she said.
"Lenny and Matty will be there the whole night, and not to mention that we will literally be in a room full of killers. If anything were to happen, you would be the last person to shoot, I promise. Therefore, it's completely unnecessary," I said, frustrated. I hated that Mila didn't feel safe enough by my side, and that she had to carry a gun around with her in order to leave the house even for a few minutes.
"Show me your leg, Gino," she said, knowing that I had my piece strapped to my ankle. She walked out of the bedroom, knowing that I had absolutely zero control over what she did these days.
"Let's go, we're going to be late," she said as she called down to Ethan to get the car pulled up to the front.
The car-ride was uneventful, as per usual. Mila seemed anxious, her leg bouncing endlessly in the passenger seat. "Everything alright, Mila," I asked, concerned that maybe this was a bad idea. Her track record with being around the family wasn't exactly the greatest.
She nodded yes as her response, and just gazed out the window. I reached over and grabbed her hand. "Maybe we should just blow this off. It's not too late, I could just say I'm sick or something and we could go out on the town. I mean, look at you. I'd love to make every guy in St. Louis jealous." I tried one last Hail Mary in an attempt to get her to let us skip the dinner tonight.
She smiled at my suggestion, but just quietly said, "Maybe some other night. We need this tonight," she said.
She seemed eerily quiet, yet determined about something. I swear, I would give all the money in the world to be inside her head somedays.


We finally arrived to Sal's house, despite Gino doing all things possible to get us to do something else. I needed to make sure to avoid Elena as much as I could, because she was the only one who could probably talk me out of what I'd set my mind to. Everyone had been in a fuss for all these months over me, and it was nobody's business but my own. The only one who could settle the score was me. I had to; if not for me, for the one inside of me.
When I got the phone call last night at midnight, my stomach sank in agony. I knew that finding the answer to who raped me would destroy Gino, because he would be forced to face the evil that he had been trying to run away from his entire life. His instinct would be to kill his brother, and then it would make him forever a killer, and forever a true member of the family business. But I had the power to save that, to save Gino; even if it meant that I had to lose him.
Self-loathing can take you to a dark place, but when that darkness brings about a source of light; it's easy to hold on to because it's the only thing that makes any sense. And right now, the only thing making sense to me is getting revenge at my expense, not Gino's.
Gino grabbed my hand, pulling me toward one of his aunts.
"Oh, Mila, you look stunning," his aunt said, "where on earth did you get those heels?"
"Actually, I got them on sale down at that strip-mall in town! I knew they would be perfect for these occasions," I said, smiling.
I was scanning the room for Vinny, waiting to see that smug bastard's face again. This time, knowing everything that I do now, my mind was at ease. Or at least it will be.

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