Chapter 22

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I woke up, startled by a jumping toddler on my bed. It took me a minute before realizing that it was just Paige, and that Lyn was still fast asleep next to us. Not wanting to wake her up, I scooped Paige up, and made my way to the living room.
Papa was seated in his recliner, and Aunt Margaret was on the couch.
"We weren't expecting you home last night," Papa said as Paige ran to sit on his lap. She wasn't around him much, but Paige adored Papa. I think it is just because of the massive recliner, but we'd let Papa think it was just him this whole time.
"Yeah, actually, something came up last night with Lyn, so I decided to bring them over here," I said, hoping that Papa wouldn't push for further answers in front of Paige.
"We can handle Paige, dear, if you need to go sit with Lyn," Margaret said, smiling in Paige's direction. I nodded in agreement, but made a pit-stop in the kitchen first. I put some ice cubes in a Ziploc bag, and grabbed a washrag.
The ruckus must have woken her up, because she was sitting up in bed when I opened my door. Her eye was swollen a ton, and she was barely able to open it. I plopped myself next to her, handing her the ice.
"I'm sorry to drag you into this, Mila," she said, looking disgusted. "I just didn't know who to call."
"Lyn, you're my best friend. I'm the one you're supposed to call," I said, reaching out and grabbing her hand. Her blonde hair was ratted up, but she was still as gorgeous as ever, fat-eye and all. She rolled up her sleeves, revealing finger-like bruises all across her arms from where he had thrown her around. I could feel the anger building up inside me, but I stifled it, not wanting to make Lyn relive the pain.
"What happened with Gino and Jesse," she asked.
I hesitated, trying to push away the image of Gino with a gun. Where did he even get it?
"Let's just say that Jesse won't be around anymore, okay? There's nothing to worry about. You girls are safe," I said.
Lyn let out a sigh of relief, and then hunkered down in the covers.
"I'm going to take Paige out for the day, you just take a bit for yourself. Papa and Margaret will be here, but you know they won't mind you hanging around. Just take some time, and call me when you're ready for us to come back, okay?"
She nodded. I squeezed her hand, and then made my way to Paige.
Now for a day full of fake smiles, and lots, and lots of sugar.


I couldn't believe it, but Paige and I had the playplace at McDonald's all to ourselves. She was so fearless, and kept climbing to the very top slide and shrieking in excitement as she descended.
Looking down at my phone, I couldn't fight the urge to call him anymore. I couldn't quite sort out my feelings about what I had witnessed last night, but I also didn't want to hold it against him. Gino reacted in defense of my best friend, and testosterone just got the best of him.
I picked up the phone to call him.


Matty was cleaning up the glass when I heard my phone ring, it was sitting across the house on the kitchen cabinet. I dropped the screwdriver, and hustled into the kitchen, hoping it was Mila. It was.
"Babe," I said, excited to hear her voice.
"Hi," she said, sounding plain.
"How're things," I asked, my mind wandering to Lyn and Paige.
"They're fine. Lyn is at the house soaking up some alone time, and Paige and I are getting a bite to eat."
My heart raced at the thought of her being alone with Paige. I didn't think that Jesse would be stupid enough to try to track them down, but if he was, it would put Mila at the center of that pain. I pushed the thought away, walking back to the front door.
"Okay, I'd better go. I just wanted to check in," she said, her voice soft.
I wanted to keep her on the line, but I knew I had no viable explanations or excuses to give her. I couldn't lie to her, so it was just easier to not say anything at all.
"Okay, Mila, I'll talk to you soon."
She hung up without a response. I sat the phone down on the remaining end table, and sighed.
"Girl trouble," Lenny asked. I nodded in response.
"How much did she see last night?"
"Too much," I responded, replaying the horrified look she had on her face as I held a gun to Jesse's jaw.
"Give her time, cousin. Girls just have to have time to soak everything in, it will all be fine."
I nodded again, hoping that he was right. Mila meant the world to me, and the thought that I may have scared her off last night terrified me. Lenny was the only friend I had who knew anything about long-term relationships with a woman, so I trusted that he knew what he was talking about. I would just give her space until she wanted to talk. If she wanted to talk. Maybe it would be better for her if she just walked away now.
I went back to changing the locks on Lyn's door, focusing on making this place livable again just in case she decided to come home sometime soon. I couldn't fix what Mila had seen, but I could at least fix the house for all of them.

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