Chapter 19

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Alright, so I know that I'm literally in psycho girlfriend mode right now, but after all of this time, I've caught Gino in a lie. Let's just start from the beginning.
It's Friday night, and Papa had gotten home from surgery around 5 p.m. None of us felt like cooking after the long day we'd had, so Aunt Margaret stayed with Papa while I went to get us some food. While I was getting food from McDonald's, I looked across the street at the local market and saw Gino getting into his car. I hadn't talked to him since before the surgery, but he had definitely mentioned that he had to work at the store tonight; which was absolutely nowhere near where this market was.
So, my curiosity got the best of me, and I called Margaret to tell her that something had come up and that she should just order delivery and that I would be home as soon as I could.
I found myself in full stalker mode following Gino back to his apartment. He gave his keys to Ethan and carried in a bottle of wine. A normal girlfriend would notice the fact that Gino was wearing a suit, but that seemed to be Gino's everyday attire - so I tried not to think too much in to that little detail.
About 10 minutes later, Gino came strutting over to Ethan. They were shooting the bull in the commons area of the building. By this point it was taking everything in me not to storm out of the car and demand some answers. Then, a town car pulled up and both Ethan and Gino approached the car.
The next few seconds felt like hours. I watched a gorgeous woman step out of the car, holding the hand of an adorable little girl. The woman had long, black hair that seemed to just flow around her perfectly sculpted face. She was wearing a tight black dress with heels, she looked absolutely stunning.
The little girl had a bow in her hair that pulled back her black locks of hair. She resembled the woman, but there was so much about her that reminded me of someone else. As soon as she locked eyes with Gino, she jumped up and held on to him for dear life. Gino greeted her with the same amount of excitement, and then greeted the woman with a kiss on the cheek.
As Ethan grabbed a few suitcases from the trunk, Gino escorted the woman and the girl up the stairs.
I tried soaking in what I had just seen, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. This is what Gino had been hiding - he has a family! Gino has a family! A girlfriend and a daughter - or maybe even a wife? How is that even possible? How could he, am I the other woman?
That no good cheating idiot! He has me out here pining for him every day, wondering what he's up to on the days that he doesn't call me, torturing myself about the questions he refuses to answer - and this whole time he's been cheating on his family!
My cell-phone rang, which pulled me out of my head. I saw Gino's name across the screen. I wonder what lie he's prepared to spit out, now.
"Hello," I said, not wanting to say much more because I knew that I was on the verge of letting him have it.
"I never took you for a stalker, but since you're already here, why don't you come on up, babe," he asked.
What, he saw me! Why didn't he come over and say something? And he wants me to go upstairs? I think not, I've been humiliated enough for one day.
"Pull your car up to Ethan, I'll come back down and meet you there, okay," he said again, waiting for my response.
I decided saying nothing was the best thing to do, so I hung up the phone and pulled over to Ethan and stepped out of the car. Gino was standing at the top of the stairs, staring at me with his cute half-smile. He is not cute right now, Mila. You're pissed!
"Gino, what the hell is going on," I probed, not wanting to walk anywhere near him.
"Come upstairs, and I'll explain," he begged, giving me his best impression of puppy-dog eyes.
"No, and meet your real girlfriend? I'm not in the mood for humiliating myself tonight," I said, walking over to Ethan to get my keys. There was no way that I was going up there with him, I just can't do it. As I got closer to Ethan, I could hear a faint laugh coming from Ethan's mouth. Great, now even the pitiful valet knows he has it better than I do.
I could hear Gino making his way down the steps toward me, but I wasn't going to let his sly tricks get me upstairs. I turned to go to my car, but he grabbed my hand.
"You want me to let you in, Mila," he asked, and paused. I couldn't tell if he was wanting me to respond or if that was supposed to be rhetorical. "If you do, this is me letting you in. Come upstairs with me, babe. Please," he said, grabbing my hand. Ugh. Those blue eyes.
I reluctantly handed my keys back to Ethan, and followed Gino up the stairs. We walked into the elevator, and as soon as the doors shut, Gino pulled me to him. He had one of those stupid smiles on his face that almost made him look goofy - which is a very rare look for him, I assure you. He pulled me close, and we kissed until we made it up to his floor. I couldn't tell what he was up to, but I knew that I was not ready for it.
We walked in to the apartment, and I saw the woman and the girl sitting on the barstools. I could feel the sweat building up on my forehead, I was about to meet Gino's daughter. I could feel my heartbeat pounding throughout my entire body.
"Girls, I'd like you to meet the infamous Mila," Gino said, "Mila, I'd like for you to meet my older sister Elena, and our baby sister Cami," he finished, looking at me with his ornery smirk.
Sisters. These are his sisters. Not a secret family. Well, family, but not a wife and daughter. I'm not the other woman. He did mention that he had a few sisters, I just never imagined them to be so far apart in age!
Elena was the first to approach me, I think she could tell that I was a little shell-shocked. "Mila, you have no idea how great it is to finally meet you. Our Gino here has talked about you nonstop for the past several months," Elena said, reaching out to shake my hand.
I nodded, and reached out for Elena's hand, "You, too, Elena," I said hesitantly, knowing full well that I had just lied because I wouldn't be standing here starstruck had I heard about his sisters in great detail before now. I looked over at Cami who was sitting quietly at the stool.
"And you must be Cami," I said, walking over toward her. "my name's Mila," I said, leaning down to get on her level. She giggled and her face turned red. Besides Paige, I hadn't been around many children. But I sensed from the way that Cami held herself that she was a very sophisticated little lady.
She reached out to shake my hand like a proper girl would, and I couldn't help but laugh at how sweet she was being.
The night went by quickly, and before I knew it I was laughing with Elena about baby Gino stories, and Cami was cuddled up between Gino and I.
Elena left around 8:30; she had to get home to work in the morning. Cami begged to stay up with us, but I convinced her that I would make her big brother go to bed as soon as she did. She made me pinky promise, so now I really feel obligated to do so. I gave her a hug before Gino took her to the spare room, and she planted a kiss on my cheek. "Nighty night, Mila," she said, as Gino led her to bedroom.
I peeked around the corner through the door after Gino had gotten her changed into her pajamas. He had turned off the light and turned on the lamp by her bed, and they were whispering something to one another. I decided I had done enough stalking for one night, and retreated to the living room to start picking up our mess.
A few minutes later, Gino came into the living room and plopped himself on the couch. I was on the floor, folding some of the blankets that we had pulled out.
"So, you have a smokin' hot older sister, and an adorable baby sister who could melt anybody's heart," I said, "and all that I've heard about them is that you had two sisters."
"Stay the night, and I'll tell you everything," he said, crawling on the floor to sit next to me.
"Won't that freak Cami out, though," I asked, looking toward her bedroom. I wasn't sure about children, but I knew that it sent mixed messages to them when couples who weren't married lived together.
"She's a big girl, plus she likes you," he said, pausing to turn off the TV.
"I'll call Aunt Margaret," I said.

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