Chapter 16

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I know that it is Spring Break, and I'm supposed to be sleeping in. But my excitement for today woke me up bright and early at six. Gino and I had parted ways around 10 last night after we ate, so I felt like I had gotten enough sleep to get me through the day.
I walked over to the door, and peeked into Gino's room. I couldn't see him, but his pillows and blankets were piled on top of him, and I could just barely hear him snoring. Gosh, only he could sound sexy while snoring. I quietly shut the door, and headed to the bathroom.
Our first stop today is going to be at my parent's first and favorite place, the Irish pub. I had printed out the directions to the pub from our hotel, and I was hoping that Gino would be up for walking instead of riding around. I just feel like we will miss out on everything if we are riding in a cage this whole time.
I turned on my straightener, and started to wash my face. I'm definitely happy that I woke up before Gino, because morning-Mila can be quite scary. Gino had never once made me doubt his attraction for me, but I wasn't going to push it just yet.
Once I finished getting ready, I slipped into some comfy clothes and headed downstairs to check out the breakfast. Lots of the people in the breakfast room were in suits and ties, very official business. I felt like an idiot in my leggings and baggy shirt, but oh well. I grabbed a little bit of everything, and headed back to the room.
I checked the clock when I walked through the door and saw that it was a little bit after 7. He's going to kill me, but I'm going to wake him up anyway.
I quietly opened up the door and tiptoed over to his bed where I could see his hair barely peeking out from underneath one of the pillows. I gave him one last moment of silence, and then I pounced.
"Gino, it's time to wake up!" I screeched as I jumped on top of him and began to pull back the covers. Gino jumped straight up, and began retaliation as he tickled my sides. I hated that he knew my weak spot! I couldn't take much more and was forced to yell, "Mercy!"
"That's what I thought," he grumbled, "trying to sneak up on a man who's sleeping."
"Well, if you weren't a bum that slept all day, we wouldn't have this problem," I said, running back to my room to grab the food. I came back through the adjoining door with a tray full of his favorites.
"Alright, now that's what you should have started with," he said, practically drooling as he looked at the food, "what do we have here?"
"So, I was thinking that we could get ready, and go sightseeing for the day," I said as Gino was putting cream cheese on a bagel.
"Alright, where are we starting?" he asked, biting into the bagel.
"Well," I said, hesitating to tell him what I wanted, "the pub is just like a few blocks from here, so I thought maybe we could just start walking and stop wherever we want on the way?"
"Fine by me, I just need to take a shower real quick," he said, continuing to eat his bagel. He turned the TV on to the news, and I just sat there across the bed staring at Gino. I had seen him shirtless before, but just for a few moments while he was changing. This was different, this was a new side of Gino. He was relaxed in a way that I'd not seen him before. Back home, he was always checking his phone, running back to his family, or stressing out about school. But here, Gino was just a guy eating a bagel and watching TV with his girlfriend. Not to mention, I had a perfect shot of his perfectly defined abs.
I started to get up and head back to my room to check my phone when Gino interrupted my thoughts, "I think you're forgetting something," he said, as he put his bagel down and motioned for me to go toward him.
I curled up next to him, our faces right next to one another. My hand was resting on his bare chest for the first time, and my heart could barely handle it. He reached for my chin, and brought my lips up to his. Each time that Gino kissed me, I swore that it couldn't get any better. Yet, time and time again, he proves me wrong.
"That is all, Ms. Thompson," he said, smirking as I got out of the bed and headed to my room.
"I'm going to call Papa while you take a shower, just let me know when you're ready to roll," I said, with a smile plastered on my face.
"You got it," he said, and went back to eating his bagel.

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