Chapter 27

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Gino hadn't left my side since the incident while shooting targets. I couldn't tell if it was out of fear or loyalty, but I knew that I had missed being alone with him this much. It wasn't that he's not been there for me, he's just been so focused on, well, revenge.
I'd convinced him that we both needed a day away from everything, and that maybe Papa was needing a change of scenery, as well. I'm sure he was getting lonely without me, even though Claire was there with him.
I set jeans out on the bed hoping that Gino would take the hint that today was to be a casual day on the town - and no dress pants were allowed.
When I got out of the shower, I saw a shirtless Gino standing in front of the mirror wearing jeans. Ah, he does take hints so very well. I couldn't help but admire his body as he was standing there, shirtless. His stomach was defined, yet curvy. But that was the last thing I needed to be focusing on today.
"So, Queen Mila, where have you decided that we will be going today," he asked.
"I haven't quite decided, I was kind of thinking we should just wing it," I said, knowing that he despises not having every minute of the day planned.
I wrapped the towel around my body, tucked in the corner, and grabbed my face cream. No matter how much Gino hated it, I couldn't help but do my clay masks immediately after each shower. It was something I remember watching my mama do, and I've just always enjoyed the crusty feeling that comes up after a few minutes.
I began to wipe the blue goo all over my face when I felt his arm slide around my waist. I flinched, but welcomed the embrace.
I've been reading all of these blogs and articles about how women who have been raped suddenly become 'paralyzed' when any male touches them. That the urge or desire of a man's grasp is met with fear rather than excitement. While I had to admit that I am now jumpy, I still wanted to feel Gino's skin against mine; I craved his touch. But with this craving came this desire; a desire to control.
As his hand caressed my stomach, I reached behind me and pulled his head down to my neck. His soft lips pressed against my pounding throat; I could feel the heat rising up to my face.
It's hard to think back to my intentions of that night. I had prepared myself, after all of those years of waiting, to give myself over to someone. It's no joking matter what happened to me that night, but it sure as hell is ironic that the moment I decide to give it up, someone had the audacity to rip it away from me.
But feeling Gino against me now, I knew that no matter what had happened, I was still his. And someday, we would have our moment.
In true teasing-girlfriend fashion, I turned around, rested my hand on his cheek, and leaned in with a light kiss on his lips.
And then, I smashed my blue-goo forehead against his.
"Your skin's feeling a little rough there, isn't it," I said, laughing it off.
"You are such," he started to say, but the smirk on his face quickly changed to a grin, "a beautiful girlfriend," he finished.
"Nice save," I said, "now finish getting dressed, we've got people to see," I shouted, as I finished putting the blue-goo mask on my face.


As we pulled into Bob's driveway, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Six months ago, before I entered Mila's life, Bob and Mila had their own way of life together. For as long as Mila could remember, it had just been the two of them; and I'm sure that's always been pretty special for Bob.
Enter Gino.
I'm sure in Bob's eyes, it's not exactly ideal for a college senior to fall in love and start spending all of her time and energy on some guy. And he doesn't even know all of the things she had been through because of me. Bob is the only man on this planet whose love for Mila might exceed mine, and I was slowly taking her away from him; the only thing he had left in life.
"Gino, come on," Mila said, as I stared at the front door.
Mila rang the doorbell 700 times before entering - a new tradition that she had started doing once she began spending so much time at my place. If I were Bob, it would give me a heart attack every single time. But he seems to love it.
George greeted us as we walked through the door, and we made our way to the living room. It was to nobody's surprise that Bob was planted in his recliner. Mila rushed over to give him a hug.
"Hello, Bob, how's it going," I asked, taking my usual seat on the couch.
"Well, it's been pretty dull, but by the look on our girl's face, it's about to get exciting," he said, smirking toward Mila.
I started to agree, but was cut off when Mila said, "Actually Pops, I was thinking of doing an old-fashioned afternoon."
"What do you mean," Bob said, eyebrows furrowed.
"Do you remember on Sunday afternoons after lunch, we would go country cruising and just see where the day led," she asked.
"Well, of course," he said.
"Well, that's what I really want to do today," she said, looking in my direction. I shrugged my shoulders toward Bob. We both knew it was Mila's world, and we were all just living in it.
"I take it that I'm the chauffeur, so I'll go get the car ready," I said, taking my cue to leave so that Mila could get Bob ready to roll.
I put the stuff that was in the backseat in the trunk, and crossed my fingers in hopes that Mila wasn't going to make me ride in the backseat of my own car on this little wanderlust adventure. I finished clearing out the seats and saw that Bob was making his way outside, but Mila hadn't made an appearance just yet.
"Well, the car's all ready to go," I said, walking toward Bob.
"That Mila, you never know what she's got up her sleeve, do ya," Bob asked, leaning up against his truck. "How has she been, lately," Bob asked, seeming to imply something deeper.
I tried to shrug it off and alleviate his worries, "She's doing great, overall. I think she's really just ready to get law school acceptance letters to confirm her future," I said, looking up as I heard the back door shut. Thankfully, Mila was headed our way. I wasn't sure how much small talk I had left in me without slipping up about everything that had happened in our lives recently.
"Well don't just stand there and look pretty. Let's go boys," she shouted, practically skipping out of the house. I looked in her hands, and saw George clinging for dear life in her grasp, wearing both a harness and leash.
"George, really," Bob scoffed, but Mila didn't justify his question with an answer.
"Come on," she exclaimed, hopping in the backseat of my car. Thank goodness.
We hopped in and strapped up. I adjusted the rearview mirror so that I could see Mila.
"Where to, Queen Mila," I asked, even though I knew what her response would be.
"Wherever the road takes us, Gino, wherever it takes us," she said, looking out the window.


Our leisurely cruise had led us to the coast of the Mississippi. My directions were random turns that Mila decided on, usually last minute, which resulted in George freaking out in hysterics each time that I had to slam on the brakes. But, like any old man, George quickly passed out in the backseat when we arrived to the park. I swore that I could see the old cat's eyes roll when Mila hooked his harness up to the leash and coaxed him to get out of the car.
Bob had been fairly quiet throughout the drive, commenting only on the wildlife in the fields as we passed. We were well outside of St. Louis, and the last town sign I had noticed said Clarksville.
Mila had George's leash wrapped around one wrist while she skipped rocks into the river with the other. She had been through so much lately, and it had really taken a toll on her spirit. It was good to just get away and watch her be the carefree Mila that she was before she met me. She was definitely right about needed a day away from everything.
"So," Bob started, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Mila's been spending an awful lot of time at your house."
My knee instantly became a jackhammer, trying to come up with something to excuse her sleeping over on a regular basis. Before I could respond, Bob continued.
"I'm just glad she has someone like you," Bob started, "with it being just the two of us for all of these years, I was nervous that when something happened to me that she would be alone."
"Well, if she'll have me, I'm not really planning on going anywhere," I reassured. Although for her safety, maybe I should.
"You remind me a lot of her dad, you know."
I paused, thinking about the pictures I had seen of him in the scrapbook. It was funny, because he did resemble me a little. He had black, wavy hair and his skin was dark-complected like mine.
"Oh, really," I responded.
"He was very protective of Mila's mom, just as you are with Mila. We didn't always see eye to eye at first, but I think that just came with the territory," he finished. I knew what he meant by territory - my aunt couldn't even mention a guy's name to Paap without him getting up in arms about how he was unworthy of her. I sometimes think that's why she chooses to live in Italy. Hell, maybe we should move to Italy to escape it all, too.
"I wish Mila talked more about them, but it's just a wall that I haven't managed to knock down just yet," I said, feeling defeated.
"Give it time, it will come with time."
That wasn't the only thing that would come with time. With Mila remembering what she had two days ago, I couldn't help but fret about the memories that may come back as time went on. As much as I wanted to catch this guy, the thought of Mila reliving her body being destroyed in the way it was absolutely terrified me.
I wanted his head, but I wanted her happiness more.

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