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I walked with Veronica into this bar I was in a nice dress with heels. I got a drink and sat at the bar as Veronica was flirting with a lot of guys I kinda was forced here but I like to look nice every once and awhile. The bar tender gave me a basket of wings " I didn't order these you must have me mistaken "

" that youby man over there order them for you "
I looked over it was a tall gentleman with a Beanie he was my age and very cute he was sitting at a table with friends I smiled at him and then he got up and sat next to me

" you trying to win me over with wings "

" maybe did it work "

" it kinda did it was a cute gesture thank you "

" would you like to Dance "

" with you how could I say no " he held out his hand and I grabbed it and we danced until we were tired but we didn't dance slutty he had his hands on my waist mine were on his neck and we swayed we probably looked crazy but whatever we sat back down I shared the wings with him and out of no where he kissed me I didn't pull away

" you had sauce on your face "

" mhm " he went in again and my hand went to his face deepening it he stood up to get closer to me. So I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in closer as we kissed they weren't sloppy they were passionate full of sweetness and desire.

" want to come to my place " he whispers right in my ear sending a wave of chills down my back. I nodded and he held my hand as we walked out of the building. I was in his truck and I know he just wanted to go to his place for sex but i want a relationship not sex and I realized that

" what's your name "

" jughead Jones "

" jug I don't want to have sex I want a relationship with you I hope you don't get upset at me because I know that's what you want "

" not exactly I'm fine with a good snuggle if you want "

" okay are you looking for a relationship "

" I wasn't searching for a girlfriend but I fell apon a beauty of my own. " He kissed my cheek and held my hand softly I blushed because he made me so gushy inside he made all of me pudding. " we're here " we went in and it was nicely kept " so I have a Tv in my room we can go in there and cuddle "

" sure " we got in there and he had a big tv and a nice bed " um can I borrow something I think this will be uncomfortable. "

" yeah go ahead I'm going to change in my bathroom you can change in here just tell me when your done "

" okay " he went into the bathroom I changed into one of his shirts and sweats then I told him to come back in and he did he was shirtless and in sweats oh my god he had the hottest chest I ever seen and had a necklace on but I couldn't tell what they said he got into bed I got into his bed and I laid my head on his shoulder " jug "

" yeah "

" what does your dog tags say "

" I'm in the army betts so it says my name and age and a couple different things "

" your in the army why didn't you tell me "

" I don't know it didn't come up "

" so you'll leave me for months at a time "

" I'm sorry if you don't want to be with me you don't have to "

" but I want to be with you it will be hard but I guess if it is something you have a passion for I'm fine with it as long as you send me letters "

" I will and I don't know when I will be deported next it could be a month it could be a week it could be a year I did just get back so a week is a little soon but yeah I serve for are country it is something I dreamed of since I was little "

" well I bet you do great and thank you for serving are country and buying me wings "

" of course " I kissed his cheek. " are you going to fall asleep soon "

" mhm "

" okay " he covered us in the blanket

" your amazing "

" do you like to have air conditioning on "

" if you like it I'm fine with it I'm not picky " he turned it on and I snuggled in his chest deeper 

" is it to cold on you "

" no I just like to snuggle with cute guys who by me hot wings "

" I hope I am the only guy you will ever snuggle with "

" me to "

" betts "

" hmm "

" will you be my girlfriend "

" of course "

" awesome "

" will you be my boyfriend "

" of course "

" awesome "

" I know we literally just met but there is just something about you "

" well you already had me with wings "

" I would of got you a drink but then you would get drunk and I needed you alert enough to like me   "

" cute " I started to slowly fall asleep in his arms and I never have been happier.

A solders love " bug head "Where stories live. Discover now