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I woke up and it was white clouds all around and it was beautiful there was jug he came over and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. Then he kissed me " I missed you sleepyhead "

" jug what's going on "

" it's been a week we're both in a coma it's hard sometimes you finally got here to this world with me "

" what about Alex "

" he has been having a really rough time since you can see " I looked down and it was like glass I saw my body in a hospital bed then ale. Sitting on jugs moms lap and he was holding my hand and they were both crying " I just watch them it's hard I feel to weak to wake up so I'm trying to save my energy to get back in my body but it's hard "

" mommy " I heard and I looked down " if you can hear me mommy please come back they said your in worse condition than daddy and daddy hasn't woken up I miss you and daddy I want you to hug me mommy I want you back "

" I want to go back "

" betts I love you but your in worse shape "

" jug you love Alex to death right "

" of course "

" right now try you hardest okay give it everything you were in the army I know you have the strength please do it for are baby boy down there "

" okay I love you please join me " I shared a kiss and he tried and it hurt him and it was a lot on him but he got it I saw him grasp his dads hand as he was sitting next to him and are beds were in the same room. They all went crazy and Alex ran over and jumped into his bed and hugged him tightly I tried to do it but like jug said it was hard. Over the weeks the baby kept growing in my stomach as I had a feeding tube and things keeping me alive and jug was slowly getting better the slightest thing made him weak and tired alex always snuggled with him. He couldn't speak yet and it's been a week but he opened his eyes and moves his arms slightly I then Saw the unthinkable my mom and dad and sister came in jugs head slowly turned and he tiredly sighed.

" jughead you need to rest okay " his mom said combing his hair out of his face for him. " she'll be back dont worry " I watched my parents. I was weaker than ever before. Since alex didn't now my mom and dad he ran over to my side and yelled.

" don't touch my mommy " he was my little protecter

" Alex come back here it's okay " jugs mom tried to get him back. He didn't budge " no mommy needs to be kept safe "

" Alex It's okay "

" no no no it's my mommy " he crawled into my bed and sat there holding my hand " mommy " his soft little voice said. " I love you " he said and snuggled himself into my arms

" when can we come and he won't be here "

" never " he shouted.

" Alex is there kid he doesn't really leave there side " jug was watching my parents his eyes heavy but he wanted to know I was safe " jughead you need to get some sleep "

" he did this to her "

" no it was a drunk driver and a teenager he didn't do anything wrong and why are you here you disowned betty 2 years ago you don't have the right to be here "

" we're her family we have every right "

" no your not her family her family is the little boy snuggled in her arm and that baby in her stomach her family is me and my husband her family is jughead you guys are not her family " I loved to have jugs parents support me. I saw jugs eyes fading he couldn't stay awake much longer. He looked up and smiled just to know I was with him and his eyes closed.

" mommy is not going to hang with you so go " Alex said

" your a little kid you know nothing " my mom started to raise her voice at Alex.

" she is my mommy I know my mommy she doesn't like people visiting her other than me and daddy and grandpa and grandma and aunty she love aunty. me and mommy are cuddling so leave she doesn't want you to hurt her "

" he is getting on my last nerve "

" he is protecting his mom he is going through a lot you need to leave before I call security "

" fine tell the slut if she ever wakes up we visited "

" do you ever call her that " jugs mom stood up " she is an amazing mother and wife and overall person you have no right what so ever to call her that. "

" your not her mom so shut up "

" I'm more her mom than you will ever be "

" yeah sure your a slut to "

" I'm sorry I'm a decent human being who has been there for your daughter when you haven't "

" I left her because she was a mess and look she still is nothing has changed "

" actually she is amazing maybe if you where nice to her you would know "

" bye bitch " she left i looked over to jug and he was barely hanging on he was trying to stay awake and he was dozing in and out. I wanted to go back I wanted jug. After awhile I went to sleep. It took another two week and bye that time jug was so weak it was hard to see him like that his face was pale he looked tired and it was sad and I was so so weak. Jug was still not talking and he couldn't sit up only staid awake longer. I was trying my hardest to get back to my body it was so hard jug made them move me as close to him as possible so are beds were touching. He always held my hand it was really comforting and most nights alex slept in between us. And then out of no where it's been about a month after are crash I did it I came into my body I choked on my breathing tube. The nurses ran in and took it out as I was weak and couldn't open my eyes

" mommy " I heard alex he snuggled in my arms " mommy your awake thank you "

" Alex sweety she is just as weak as daddy more so right now so she can't talk it was jugs mom.

" but she can hear me right "

" yes "

" can I talk to her "

" yes "

" mommy I love you and I love daddy " I felt jugs hand holding mine. I felt the soft lips of Alex's small face on my cheek " thanks for waking up mommy " I felt jugs thumb softly slide over mine "thank you so so so much " I soon went to sleep because everything was so much I was tired.

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