Chapter 2

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The sky was gray rainy skies over Ponyville
Rainbow Dash glided down from her house in the sky quietly and landed on the cobblestone street of Canterlot with a black scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. She walked amongst the other ponies that inhabited Canterlot, who were also dressed in black accessories or garments. All of whom had a mournful expression on their face. A few with tears in their eyes. Rainbow Dash had a neutral expression. But it didn't hide the anguish she felt storming inside of her.

Like rough waves crashing against large rocks during a bad storm at sea. She refused to shed a single tear until she arrived at her destination. Which is the same destination every other pony was heading to. All of the stores and businesses were closed for the day. Signs saying "Closed" hung on the doors as the owners quietly walked along with the other resident ponies.

There was a location in Canterlot that's rarely ever been used. A spot that over looks all of Equestria. At least, the areas you could see. Areas like the Everfree Forest or Cloudsdale. A sea of gray blanketed the sky. Darkening the landscape into a gloomy setting that would be fit for a sad film. Ponies of all species were seated in the chairs that were available. The trees surrounding them were decorated in black ribbons while two separate portraits were standing at the front surrounded by a variety of flowers. Both the one on the left featured Shining Armor; grinning and dressed in his Canterlot Royal Guard armor. The one on the right featured Twilight Sparkle; surrounded by books and smiling sweetly.

Rainbow Dash spotted her friends sitting at a part of the front row that was specially reserved for them. Pinkie Pie was dressed in a black dress with a black rose corsage in her hair. Applejack wore a black bandana around her neck and had her head bowed respectfully. Fluttershy wore a black grown decorated in black ribbons; a black ribbon tied around her neck as well. She seemed to be on the brink of tears. Rarity was dressed in a long black dress and had a few black bows in her elegant, purple hair. Spike was sitting beside her with a black bowtie around his neck. Tears already brimming his eyes.

Rainbow Dash quietly took the empty seat by Pinkie Pie. The normally happy pink pony seemed to acknowledge her presence, but said not a single word. None of them did. Rainbow looked to the row on her right and spotted Twilight and Armor's family. Their mother weeping heavily while their father had his front arms wrapped around her in comfort. But he too seemed to be reaching his breaking point. Princess Cadance, Shining Armor's wife, wasn't able to make it. She was too unstable to even get out of bed.

Princess Celestia and Luna were standing at the front over looking the crowd. Like the rest, they wore black. Celestia raised her head and opened her eyes, which were filled with sorrow. "Let the service commence." she said in an even voice. Trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. Every pony present lifted their heads up to face the Alicorn sisters. Celestia took a moment to swallow before speaking.

"Today we are here to remember the lives of two very brave ponies: Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor..."

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes sadly. Remembering the entire incident back in the Crystal Empire a week prior to this. Witnessing Sombra destroying the tower where Twilight Sparkle was last seen in before their very eyes. How Shining Armor suddenly went berserk and ordered them to flee the Crystal Empire while he attacked Sombra viciously.

Maybe...I could've done something, Rainbow Dash thought to herself. But she knew that there was nothing she could've done to save Twilight. Even if she tried.

"Now...we may begin the speeches..." Celestia said before she walked over and stood by her sister.
When a fleet of the Royal Guard arrived to the empire, they were surprised to find the place completely empty. Void of all life. The only thing that proved of Sombra's presence there was finding Shining Armor's head impaled to a pike at the front of the castle. It was enough to affect even those most hardened stallions. The news brought horror and distraught to everyone all over Equestria. Twilight Velvet and Princess Cadance took the news the hardest.

They managed to find Shining Armor's body, or what's left of it, in the wilderness and placed it in a decorative coffin along with his head and buried in a plot only used for heroic or royal ponies. They searched what remained of the tower Twilight was last seen in, but found nothing but the remnants of black crystals. They found the Crystal Heart, the only thing that repelled Sombra, smashed to pieces.

"Twilight Sparkle was like a mother to me." Spike whimpered, "S-she was my best friend. I loved working with her. I-I miss you, Twi... W-why did you have to go!?" Spike to his knees and cried. Burying his face into his little hands. It took the help of Rarity for him to walk back to his seat.

Next up was Applejack. "Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor were two of the greatest ponies I've ever met." she said. "Twi, if ya hear up there, know that you'll always have a place in my heart. Rest In Peace Twi..."

"Before Twilight Sparkle, I didn't have many friends." Rarity said when it came her turn. "But because of her, I was blessed with the gift of friendship. Plus I was able to meet a very special dragon: Spike." Rarity then turned her attention up to the gray sky. Tears rolling down her beautiful face and messing up her makeup a bit. "Twilight...I don't think I've ever said this..., Thank you for everything."


When it came to Fluttershy's turn, the shy pegasus found herself unable to control her emotions and cried on the spot. Blabbering gibberish that no one could understand.

Eventually it was Rainbow Dash's turn. The normally tough, strong pegasus stood before the crowd with shaking legs. Her voice cracking as she spoke. "T-Twilight Sparkle wasn't just a friend...she was like a sister to me. We both had our differences...but I loved her like family!" Rainbow Dash finally broke down and cried. Surprising a few of the ponies there. "I'm so sorry, Twi! I could've done something to save you! I'm so sorry! I love you, Twilight! I love you! I promise I'll make Sombra pay for he did to you and your brother. I'll make sure he suffers the worst fate possible!"

"Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor..." Luna whispered after Rainbow Dash had her turn. "For a thousand years I've been trapped within the moon. Watching the Earth as it changed throughout history. I've seen ponies be born into this world, and I've seen ponies leave it. Shining Armor did not deserve his fate. It disgusts me that a stallion so cruel would do that to another! And Twilight... If it weren't for her and her friends...I wouldn't be standing here today." Luna closed her eyes just as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Thank you...Twilight... I'll make sure that Sombra will be put to justice...I can promise you that..."

Princess Celestia was the last to go. There was a brief moment of silence as she stared at everypony present. As if looking into their souls and minds. She felt their pain and sorrow. In a slightly cracked voice, she spoke. "Shining Armor will be remembered as the bravest stallion in all of Equestria. His bravery will go down in Equestrian history as the most devoted member of the Canterlot Royal Guard. As for Twilight Sparkle..." Celestia suddenly found herself struggling to speak a bit. Wave of emotion coming at her all of a sudden.

"Sister?" Luna said worriedly. Gentle touching her cheek with her hoof.

Celestia calmed down and smiled at her little sister. "Thank you, Luna." she said before continuing. "Twilight Sparkle was the greatest student I've ever had the pleasure to know. She was devoted to not only her studies, but also her family and friends. And...she wasn't just a student... She was like a daughter to me... I loved her like one. I sometimes saw her as one. Night Light and Twilight Velvet were blessed to have such an amazing daughter. And son, as well." Celestia then shot her head up and a determined look appeared on her face. "From this day forward! The Canterlot Royal Guard will devote their time in tracking down and bringing King Sombra to justice! His crimes will not go unpunished! We will make sure that Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor did not die in vain!" She stomped her right hoof to the ground. Leaving a few small cracks in the floor.

"Sleep well, Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor..." Celestia whispered as her tears started to fall.

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