Chapter 35

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Celestia went into a room where everything is kept a secret.
Celestia opened Sombras Journal:

"Sombra... it was the only word I could remember when they found me.. No matter what they asked, the only thing I would say to them is this word. So they made it my name.
"Sombra" and that is how I. The king of monsters named myself. Not having any family to return a lost colt to, the Crystal Guard brought me to the Chestnut Falls Orphanage.
I was years behind my classmates and they knew all about things I have never even heard of . Saying their words felt like a chewing peanut brittle. Like my mouth wasn't suppose to say them.
But I was a quick learner. And Ms. Chestnut Falls would always help me when I couldn't understand the homework.
Sadly, the same could not be said for others. In my youth there was only one pony who was kind to me. Her name was Radiant Hope and she was the most amazing pony I've ever met. She was a bit weird, but I enjoyed it. She had the greatest imagination.

Soon Hope and I were the closest friends. I sat next to her in class. We had our own language we wrote notes in. A little secret code all our own. The other ponies still laughed at us. But as long as we had each other we don't care.
The others wouldn't let us play their games with them, so we made up our own games where only we knew the rules. Or I thought she did. Sometimes only she knew the rules. And all that year, every time we got any jewels we put them in our dragon bank.
Hope's favorite memory was this time her parents had taken her to what she called "the most magical celebration in all of Equestria."
I was wracked by guilt all the way home. I believed I was lying to the princess. I didn't realize how close to the truth I'd come."

Princess Celestia kept on reading King Sombras journal.

"But all that worry and self-doubt were long forgotten four days later because it was finally my time. I laid there as Hope left. I thought of all the things we would do. And then a slow terror crept over me. I couldn't move my legs. The doctor had no idea what was wrong with me. He couldn't find a piece of mane out of place.
And it only got worse through the day. Not only could I see the Crystal Faire, I felt as weak as I had ever felt in my whole life.
Eventually Radiant Hope told Ms. Chestnut she would stay with me and Ms. Chestnut went off to see the crystal heart.
I wanted to be strong for Hope, but I felt like I was being torn apart. It wasn't late that night after the festivities that I was finally able to get some sleep. Hope didn't fall asleep until after I did. And the next day I felt as if it had never happened. Hope and I began planning immediately for the next years Crystal Faire.
But a year later, there we were again. And a year after that. Every year, we grew. My desire to see the Faire grew, and my pain grew until...
it felt like nothing I'd ever known. Like I was leaving the weak Sombra behind. It was a transformation. It was a moment of becoming what you are supposed to be. A moment of pure destiny. It just wasn't mine. Hope got her cutie mark. For a moment I was actually happy for her. When we were alone there sharing her special moment. I knew that it meant something, but I couldn't figure out what it was until I saw how everyone else reacted.
Then I realized that her ability to heal any ailment was powerful magic and everyone knew what happened when a unicorn developed really powerful magic.

The moment I saw the letter I knew what it was. It had the seals of the two sisters on it. They wanted her to come study with them. That meant they thought she had potential to become a princess, which meant... The only thing I wanted to do was run.
I knew hope and I knew that with Celestia and Luna's help she would become a princess. She would leave me behind and if my whole body didn't disappear with out her here.. What she had seen in the reflection of the crystal heart was real. It had never seemed real before. Know I knew it was and I knew... I knew.
If her destiny had found her, mine would find me.

And in my eagerness to run from it, I had run to it. And just like that. It was like someone had turned on a switch in my brain.
Suddenly I knew who I was. I knew why all those terrible things had happened to me. I knew what I had to do and I knew how to use the magic of my people. The image in the crystal heart has been clear, but I had never understood it until just then. I had always taken it to mean that the darkness would overtake me. But the darkness was me. The true me. The me that had been hidden for so long. Destruction was my talent and darkness was my cutiemark.
I knew that if I was going to make my move. It had to be then. The crystal heart knew my secret and I was certain that Princess Amore did too. Even then months after the Faire, the crystal heart had so much power over me.. If my fate had not been sealed before, it was then. But even in my darkest moment, I felt my fear melting away. I had been so afraid of everyone in my entire life.

I had defeated a princess and now I knew there was something stronger than love. Fear. Fear was he strongest power of all and I would take the fear they had put in me and repay each of them with it.
I couldn't bring myself to destroy her. But I spread the prices of her statue all throughout the world. Maybe someone will restore her one day, but I'll be to strong for her by then.

When I recount it, I will say that, that was one of my mistake. I still loved Radiant Hope and I let her leave. The foolish girl, still thinking she could save me, told our tragic tale to the two sisters. They decided to do what's best, vanquish monsters.
I enslaved the crystal ponies to raise my umbrum army, but now time runs short.
I know I am no match for them, but they will not save these crystal ponies. I will make them pay with a thousand years of suffering.
And Radiant Hope, she'll suffer the worst. She bretrayed me to save his "home" of hers. I've developed a new spell just for her.

How bitter will her victory task when she has no home left..."

Celestia stopped reading and felt bad for Sombra but he was a monster that killed ponies she loved the most..

Authors note: I'm aware that Sombra's journal was from "Sombra's Orgin" comic reading book. It took me longer than I thought to actually copy Sombra's Journal. I give credit to hasbro for this chapter because I copied some of Sombra's orgin. I just want to let you know so you won't worry about it and won't think I actually copied it with out credit to the owner thank you.

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