Chapter 25

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Celestia and Sombra circled one another slowly. Weapons raised and ready to clash with one another, just as they did one thousand years ago. The blades themselves still held the scratches from that very battle. A smirk was plastered on Sombra's face while Celestia had a scowl on her's.

"How long has it been since our last battle? One thousand? One thousand and one, perhaps?" Sombra mused.

Celestia narrowed her eyes in a deadly glare. "Murderer." she hissed. Her tone dripping with venom.

"Now what makes you say that, princess?" Sombra asked smoothly.

"You took the lives of two innocent ponies that day in the Crystal Empire. You changed the lives of many ponies. Including myself." A tear rolled down Celestia's cheek before she snapped her head up to Sombra and glared at him with the utmost hatred towards any pony she's ever known. "Twilight Sparkle was more then just a student. She was like the daughter I never had. I loved her like one. And you ripped her away from us!"

"That's a pitiful thing to hear, princess." Sombra yawned. "But I didn't come here to listen to your life story. Shall we continue what we left off one thousand years ago?"

"When my sister arrives, you will regret ever being released from your ice prison!" Celestia snapped.

Sombra laughed. "I'm afraid she won't be joining us this time. She's a little...occupied."


Luna grunted in pain as she skidded back. Placing her hoof over the fresh cut on her right arm before snapping her head up to her attacker. Tears filled her moderate cyan eyes as she prepared to launch another spell. "Please..." she begged, "Don't make me do this, Twilight. I know you're still in there!"

Twilight merely smirked before she launched another spell at her. Luna quickly dodged the attack and casted her own spell. "Still weak as ever, I see." Twilight said.

Luna narrowed her eyes and quickly wiped her tears away. Although she was still in shock by the fact that her attacker was none other then Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn, now alicorn, that was thought to be dead. Luna's noticed the drastic changes in her appearance and attitude. She wasn't the smart loving pony she once knew. This wasn't the Twilight who, along with her friends, reverted her back into who she is now.

"Twilight." Luna breathed as she got to her hooves. "Oh, Twilight. What did Sombra do to you?"

"He opened my eyes." Twilight replied in a straight-forward tone before she casted a nightmare spell.

Luna let out a horrified gasp as the world around her changed. No... No! she thought frantically.


"You're in for a big surprise, Celestia." Sombra said as he dodged another swing of her halberd before lashing out with his scythe.

"What kind of surprise?" Celestia asked. "Or do I even want to know."

Sombra flashed a wicked grin. Revealing his pure white fangs that weren't common for any pony to have. The dark unicorn laughed before he lashed out his scythe once more. "A kind of surprise that will shake you to your core."

Celestia growled in frustration before she casted a spell from her horn. Sombra immediately turned into his shadow form and allowed the attack to simply go through him as though it was nothing. He then returned to his physical form and casted a spell of his own. A beam of black magic shot from his horn and struck Celestia hard. The white alicorn screamed in surprised pain. But it wasn't enough to even cause her to stumble. She panted softly before glaring up at Sombra.

"I demand that you tell me, Sombra." she said in a firm tone.

Sombra grinned. This was the perfect time to give her a taste for what's to come later on. In a swift movement, he casted a spell upon Celestia. A thinner beam of black magic shot from his horn and it struck Celestia on her forward. The alicorn's eyes widened and she gasped a soft, surprised gasp.

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