Chapter 31

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Authors note: I found some more ideas on the story. I looked at lots of the mlp fanfics and found some ideas. Yesterday was my birthday Also (July 3rd) I hope you enjoy.

That evening. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been assigned to their division and placed in the barracks with the other recruits. To their surprise, ponies like Octavia and Derpy were also present. It was nice to have some ponies they knew from Ponyville here. They were even more fortunate to have bunk beds beside one another.

"So you guys were drafted in as well?" Rainbow asked.

"Uh huh!" Derpy replied while bobbing her head happily.

"I wasn't so sure about joining the Guard." Octavia said. "But I had no choice since I was required to. During times like this, everypony is needed."

"I'm just surprised ya were placed in the combat division." Applejack admitted.

Octavia's smile dimmed slightly, but she simply flipped her mane back elegantly and said, "I've taken a few lessons. A mare must learn to defend herself, you know."

"Hey. Where's Vinyl?" Rainbow Dash then asked.

"She was placed in the magic division." Octavia replied. Her expression then shifted into worry as she thought about the unicorn. "Poor mare. I worry for her now."

"Don't worry, Octavia! Vinyl's a toughy!" Derpy Hooves said from her top bunk. "She'll be just fine."

"I appreciate your attempt to cheer me up, Miss Hooves." Octavia said. "Thank you."

Derpy giggled playfully. "Not a problem!" she said before her eyes suddenly snapped open when she felt herself slipping over the edge. "W-woah. Waah!" The pegasus suddenly fell off her bed and landed in the space between them.

"Derpy!" Rainbow Dash gasped as she jumped down and helped the other pegasus up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Derpy replied. Feeling a bit dizzy. "Do any of you see the stars circling around my head?"

Applejack chuckled fondly. "Yeup. She's fine." she said.

Just then the door to the barracks suddenly opened and all the mares present immediately snapped their attention over to their drill sergeant, who was none other then Spitfire of the Wonderbolts. "Alright, fillies, lights out!" she said before reaching over to the light switch.

"But it's still light out!" an earth pony complained. The pony then cringed when the pegasus suddenly snapped her attention over to her and lowered shades slightly to reveal brilliant orange eyes.

"You got something to say, cadet?" she asked.

"U-um..." the earth pony stuttered before reeling back when the pegasus suddenly brought her face up to her's very closely."

"Speak louder, cadet!" she snapped, "I can't understand a damn word you're saying!"

"Nothing, Captain Spitfire!" the pony finally yelled.

Spitfire then back away and nodded in approval. "Good." she said before going back over to the light switch. "Now lights out!" she said before flipping the switch and slamming the door behind her.

"What a bitch." one of the mares said.

As if on que, the door suddenly swung open once more and Spitfire poked her head in. Nostrils flaring with anger. "What did you say, cadet!?" she screamed.

The mare then swallowed and frantically shook her head. "N-nothing!" she said frantically.

"That's what I thought!" Spitfire barker before slamming the door once more.

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