Chapter 10

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To say that King Sombra was displeased when he learned that one of the Pegasi from the Royal Guard managed to escape is clearly an understatement. He wasn't displeased. He was pissed. Stomping back and forth in his bedroom while fuming about the possible outcome of the pegasus reaching Canterlot. And how it could ruin everything he's been planning for since he broke free of his icy prison. Twilight sat quietly on the bed while listening to her husband's ranting and curses.

It wasn't something new to her. He would eventually cool off in the end and tuck in for the night. But tonight, however, wouldn't end like that. The dark unicorn had been like this since after supper. Even as they changed out of their attire he ranted. Twilight wanted to comfort her husband in any way possible, but was afraid of getting yelled at or harmed. Although she knew he wouldn't do that to her. Which is why she kept her distance.

Sombra was huffing by the time he climbed into bed. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but immediately closed it when she saw the look in his eyes. Sombra payed no attention to his wife and rolled to his side; his back facing the young alicorn.

Twilight sighed. "Goodnight." she sighed softly.

Sombra merely grunted softly in return. Closing his eyes.

Twilight looked away sadly. An idea suddenly clicked in her head and she looked back to her husband. It was risky, but she had to at least try. With hesitation, she bent down and kissed his shoulder softly. When he didn't react violently, she trailed down his arm softly. Sombra opened his eyes when she was half way and looked over his shoulder slightly.

"Twilight." he muttered, "Can you stop? I'm not in the mood tonight."

Twilight merely gave him a mischievous giggle and repeated the same action. Sombra narrowed his eyes and rolled onto his back in hopes it would stop the now playful alicorn. He growled softly to himself when she straddled him. "Twilight." he said as calmly as he could without sounding aggressive, "Get off of me."

Twilight sighed heavily in defeat before she crawled off the Unicorns lap and layed back in her side. Back facing Sombra. Sombra's expression softened and he sighed heavily to himself. He rolled onto his right side and draped an arm over the alicorn and pulled her close. "I'm sorry..." he murmured as he nuzzled the back of her head. "I know you were only trying to help."

"I just hate seeing you angry..." Twilight whispered almost tearfully. Gripping the blanket tightly. She felt her husbands hot breath gently caress the fur on her cheek and pressed her back closer to his masculine chest.

"I know. I know..." Sombra whispered; comforting her in a gentle, loving voice. "I'm just stressed out by the fact that the Royal Guard could come marching in any day now. And..." he held Twilight tightly. Almost defensively as he growled softly. Flashing his pure white fangs dangerously. "I don't want to lose you."

Twilight smiled a softly. She rolled over until her muzzle was mere inches from Sombra's. "You won't lose me." she said softly as she ran a hoof up and down his chest. "They'll die before they even lay a single hoof on me."
"I'll never let them take you." Sombra growled softly. "Ya gonna be ok by yourself tonight?" Applejack asked the buffalo calf resting on a pile of pillows with a quilt blanket draped over her body. Little Strongheart adjusted herself slightly before bobbing her head.


"Yep! This quilt's really comfy, by the way." Strongheart added as she nuzzled the colorful wool.

Applejack smiled proudly. "My granny made that quilt." she said while standing on her hind legs; both hooves pressed against her hips in a superhero pose.

"Your granny's really talented."

"Thanks! I'll be sure to tell her that when I see her. Goodnight." Applejack said with a grin. Just as she turned to leave the barn, she heard Strongheart suddenly ask, "Where are your parents?" The Earth Pony just paused where she stood before she slowly looked over her shoulders towards the calf. She rarely ever talked about her parents. Most of the time it was her granny and big brother, Big Mclntosh, who took care of her and Apple Bloom. She tried hard not to think about the subject. Not since the train accident a few years back...

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