Chapter 5

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"Sombra, please don't do this.." Twilight begged as Sombra was making her eyes turn green and red.
"NOOOOO" Twilight started screaming in sorrow.
"Who will obey my every command..." King Sombra chuckled and left twilight there to suffer in nightmares.
The next day Twilight was finally ready, she was under King Sombras spell and was completely evil, she can't even remember about her friends...
Sombra asked her to hurt or kill a pony he had brought to the castle. (Twilight had a Black crown and Black dress and shoes. Just to let you know.)

Ponyvill PPOV

"Sorry to hear that, Mr. Rich. But my friends and I will keep a lookout for them, though." Apple Bloom said to the grayish amber stallion. Mr. Rich simply nodded, looking worried and desperate, before turning away to leave. Apple Bloom gently closed the door and thought about what Mr. Rich had told her. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are missing? I wonder why?" The young filly simply shrugged it off.

No one really liked Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to begin with. They were such snobs and huge braggarts. But she will, reluctantly, keep an eye out for the two. They probably found love for each other and decided to run away, Apple Bloom couldn't hold in the laugh that erupted from her.

The crimson pegasus grinded his teeth together in an attempt to block out the desperate cries of the fillies he tied and blindfolded. Going as far as to stomp his armored hooves on the cold, stone floor. Lone candle illuminated a faint glow in the corner. Enough to light up most of the small room. The fillies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, snatched up just outside of Ponyville, were spared having to see the partially clawed walls and faint blood stains painting it in some places; along with the unknown stains that covered parts of the floor.

Black Fire's jet black mane-with crimson highlights-brushed against his face when he snapped his attention over to the heavy wooden door as it slowly opened. The large, masculine form of King Sombra stood in the doorway. Partially silhouetted. Black Fire closed his flaming orange eyes and bowed deeply as his king entered the room. His heavy armor clanging with each step he took while his fur cape trailed behind him.

"My..." Sombra said smoothly while gazing at the terrified fillies on the floor, "What perfect specimens you've brought for us."

"Thank you, my king." Black Fire whispered as he raised his head. The stallion pressed his black wings tightly against his armored body. Silently waiting for the command that he was dismissed. Though he wouldn't mind witnessing the death of the two fillies, he just didn't want to be around when she arrives.

The Nightmare Queen, or Queen of Nightmares, has finally reached the last stage of her training. After a full year of intense training and practice, today would be the day where she will officially master the art of dark magic. Only a few have ever seen the Queen, and lived to tell the tale. Unless you were part of the Obsidian Guard, your fate was sealed as soon as you met her blazing, dark violet eyes that were surrounded by green. Sombra would often describe his mate as "evilly beautiful".
(Twilight still had Green/purple eyes surrounded her eyelids.)

"You've done well, Captain." Sombra praised the recently promoted stallion. Giving him a sly grin.

Black Fire felt his heart leap for joy when he heard those words from his king. But he easily hid his joy by simply nodding and giving him a faint smile.

"Bring her in." Sombra whispered as he gazed at the fillies, "It is time." Black Fire nodded and walked out of the room to fetch his Queen. Sombra let out a low, dark chuckle. Causing both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to scream in sheer terror. He's waited a while for this moment. For the day his apprentice/Queen to past her final test. Just to see if she was officially converted to his side. Soon the sound of armor slapping against one another was heard just outside the door. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon screamed and wailed even louder. Just begging to be set free.

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