Chapter 19

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Sombra used his magic to lift the scroll up and unroll it before silently reading what it said to himself. His eyes slowly grew wider the more he read. A mixed look of shock, horror, and rage, clear in his crimson orbs. His jaw tightened as he calmly rolled the scroll up once more. "Thank you, Black Fire." he said calmly, "You may retire for the night."

The crimson stallion bowed his head deeply before turning around to leave. Sombra stepped into his room once more with the scroll and closed the door behind him.

"Well?" Twilight asked curiously as she watched her king crawl into bed beside her.

"We actually got some news from our little spy in Canterlot." Sombra said as he placed the scroll on the night stand beside him. "Celestia had sent two unicorn spies to Dodge Junction to allow themselves to get captured." he chortle softly in amusement. "Very clever, if you ask me."

"Did she find out their names?" Twilight asked. Leaning forward a bit as curiosity glittered her eyes.

"Yes, actually." Sombra replied. "Their names are Rarity and Trixie."

The room suddenly fell dead silent. So silent that Sombra could hear the slaves outside pulling large carts of crystals out of the mines. Twilight's breathing suddenly became shallow as she processed through everything she just heard. Memories that were locked up tightly in the back of her mind suddenly broke free as the two names echoed throughout her head. Sombra noticed her sudden change in behavior and gently nudged her.

"Twilight?" he asked softly. He was suddenly taken aback when his wife unleashed a roar of laughter. The look she had on her face would've been described as one a psychopath would have. She suddenly smashed her lips against Sombra's in a surprise kiss before pulling away to grin widely at him. Her dark irises about the size of marbles now.

"It's perfect!" she said enthusiastically. Wagging her tail like a happy dog.

"Pardon?" Sombra asked. Feeling slightly confused.

Twilight giggled and happily nuzzled him. "Remember back in the Crystal Empire?" she whispered, "Do you remember the ponies that were with me?"

Sombra thought about the question for a bit. "Sort of." he answered. "If I recall, they were your friends."

Twilight cringed when he mentioned the word "friends" and hissed softly. A malicious grin was suddenly plastered onto her face and she cackled. "This is the perfect time to exact my revenge on one of them. I'll make sure Rarity suffers for the rest of her pitiful life before I exterminate her."

Sombra smirked and kissed down her neck and shoulders as she cackled. "What of this Trixie pony?" he growled softly against her neck.

Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance. She definitely remembered blue unicorn. Especially with her being such a bragging bitch who made up stories just to get attention. Such an attention whore she was. Twilight remembered how much she hated resisting the urge to just give her a knock out punch right then and there. "You can handle her." she replied bluntly, "But Rarity is mine."

Sombra chuckled darkly in her ear. "As you wish, my Queen." he said in a husky voice.

The way he spoke gave Twilight goosebumps. She turned back to him with a mischievous smirk before she pinned him down on the bed once more. "First things first, however." she purred, "Have you made your decision on what you wanted. We do have all night after all. And I'm in no rush to have my revenge."

"Hmm..." Sombra tapped his chin thoughtfully with a teasing smile. "Surprise me. My sweet Twilight." he replied. Twilight licked her lips in anticipation and giggled.

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