Chapter 4

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Couple months later...

Chin up, Dashy! Today's a special day!" Pinkie chirped. Playfully cuffing underneath her chin. Rainbow Dash managed to put up a brief smile before it quickly faded away.

In perfect honesty, she didn't want to come along today. She'd rather be with the Canterlot Royal Guard searching for Sombra right now. Princess Celestia kept her word when she vowed that the Royal Guard would search for Sombra day in and day out. Things haven't been the same since the service that was held for both Twilight and her brother. While everyone else returned to their normal routine, the mane six (formally) grew a bit distant of one another.

Spike went on to live with Rarity and became her assistant, but he rarely ever spoke unless asked a question. It took him months of therapy to stop the night terrors that plagued ever since the Crystal Empire incident.

Applejack started to spend more time at her farm and less time with her friends. Taking her mind off of things by working.

Fluttershy retreated to her cottage near the Everfree Forest and the animals that inhabited it. Feeling that it would be best if she spent more time with her animal friends. Hanging out with Rainbow Dash and the others just brought back too many painful memories.

Rarity worked twice as hard at her boutique. Designing more and more dresses just to keep her mind off of Twilight and her friends. But whenever she saw a certain shade of purple, she would cry. Spike was her only acception during those kind of situations.

Pinkie Pie was still Pinkie Pie, but grew less energetic and threw fewer parties. When she did, they just didn't have that exciting thrill like they used to. And she never used purple. Never.

And Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash took to the skies. Spending most of her time in the never-ending sea of blue to try and fly her worries away. It worked at first. But over time she just couldn't let go of the fact that Twilight was truly gone. She requested many times to join the search for Sombra, but it was repeatedly denied. Her place was in Ponyville, they told her. It only brought anger to her whenever she thought about it.

Princess Cadance hasn't been the same since they released from the hospital. She grew distant of everyone and locked herself in her room. What she did in there is a mystery. But they knew that the alicorn needed some space. Losing Shining Armor was like getting hit by an oncoming train. Losing Twilight Sparkle was like losing the sister she never had. Everyone agreed that it would take a long time before she would attempt to socialize with anypony outside the castle in Canterlot.

Princess Celestia hasn't taken another student since the service. Instead she concentrated on her duties as ruler of Equestria and finding Sombra. For the first time since banishing Nightmare Moon in the moon itself, she was grief stricken. Princess Luna, on the other hand, wouldn't rest until she had Sombra dead by her hooves.

Since losing both their children, Night Light and Twilight Velvet left Canterlot to a different town far away. The exact name of the town wasn't mentioned before they left. Only that "they just needed to forget". They haven't been heard since.

Today was a partly cloudy day for Canterlot. Everypony went on with their usual business. A few acknowledging the pink and blue ponies that walked by before going back to work. Outside of Canterlot they approached the spot where the service was held. A small plaque was placed there to honor the memory of Twilight Sparkle; since she didn't have a grave mark.

Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Princess Luna and Celestia were already there. A purple balloon tied to a small rock was resting near the plaque along with some flowers and small gifts. A candle rested in front. The small flame swaying lazily in the wind. The ponies exchanged quiet greetings before turning their attentions to the plaque. There was a brief moment of silence as they stared at the words that were carved into the golden plating.

To Twilight Sparkle

A brave friend

A loving mother

And the holder of magic


"No need to be so gloomy, you guys!" Pinkie Pie suddenly spoke. Breaking the silence. "Turn those frowns upside down! It's what Twilight would've wanted us to do. She would've wanted us to be happy today."

The ponies stared at her silently. Some in slight dismay. "She's right..." Rainbow Dash finally whispered.

"What?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash blinked away a few tears that were beginning to appear in the corner of her eyes. She turned to her friends. "It's only been an entire year since we lost Twi and Shiny. Twi would want us to move on and live happy like we did before. The least we could do is smile on her birthday for her..."

Smiles appeared on the faces of the other ponies. "Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are right." Princess Celestia spoke in her angelic voice, "This is what Twilight would want from us: to smile."

Spike sniffled before letting out a choked sob. "I-I miss her so much." he whimpered as he buried his face in his little hands and cried. Rarity gently wrapped her arm around him and pulled him into a loving embrace. "It's okay, Spike..." she whispered tearfully, "I miss her too. We all do..."

"Always remember that Twilight is with her brother in a much better place." Princess Luna added. "She is watching over us everyday. Let's continue living. For her... For Shining Armor..."

Spike wiped nose with his wrist and nodded. Managing to put up a small smile.

Rainbow Dash said nothing. Her head lowered and ears flat against her skull. She took a moment to remember the good times she spent with Twilight. All those adventures they shared with their friends. How they were able to Nightmare Moon and reunite Celestia with by using the elements. How they were able to defeat Discord and turn him to stone once more. How they foiled Queen Chrysalis plans at Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's wedding. Everything they did, they did together.

"Happy birthday, Twi... I love you..." the blue pegasus whispered as a tear trickled down her cheek. It just wasn't the same without Twilight. She had to admit, she missed the unicorn's loving laughter. She missed Twilight entirely. A boom was suddenly heard and rain started to fall. Everyone fell silent. Doing nothing as the rain fell on them. Putting out the candle that was resting in front of the plaque.

"Even the heavens shed tears for our loss." Princess Celestia whispered. Allowing heavens tears to cleanse them of their grief and sorrow. Rainbow Dash said nothing as she watched the rain fall. Raindrops blended in perfectly with her tears.

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