Chapter 11

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Rainbow Dash found herself alone once again. Alone and bored as she drifted lazily in the sky above Ponyville, which was bustling with activity. She hasn't been able to sleep good as of late. Often waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat or just unable to sleep entirely. She found it very annoying, honestly. What made matters worse is that she didn't have anypony to talk to. Rarity had something going on with Spike, Fluttershy was tending to her animals, and Applejack was with Little Strongheart. Scootaloo was too young to understand the problems she was going through, and she didn't want the filly to get involved.

The blue pegasus silently wished she had somepony she could go to just to get some things off her chest. She stared at the endless sea of blue above her silently. Blankly. As she looked up at the sky she thought of the brilliant shades of green and blue on Star Knight's mane. He looked young to be a guard. He also resembled Flash Sentry a bit. Even had the same smile. Something suddenly clicked in Dash's head and she slapped her forehead.

"Of course!" she gasped, "Star Knight! I can always talk to Star Knight!" The blue pegasus did a perfect back flip before she zoomed through the sky with a rainbow trailing behind her. Hopefully Star Knight and his group were still in Ponyville. After a few minutes of searching she found the stallion and his group just leaving The Hay Burger. She grinned and glided herself down for landing. "Star Knight!"

Star Knight turned away from his friends and smiled when he saw Rainbow Dash running up to him. "Hiya, Rainbow Dash." he said, "I'm surprised to see you again."

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. "Yeah, well, I could really use somepony to talk to. My friends are kinda busy at the moment."

"Sure." he turned back to his friends, "I'll catch up with you guys later." The white stallion walked up to Rainbow Dash with a kind smile on his face. Rainbow Dash nodded before she turned around and unfolded her wings.

"Let's go for a flight."

Both Pegasi took to the sky. Fly side-by-side one another while the cool wind brushed against the fur on their faces. Dash sighed softly and managed to put up a small smile. Moving her eyes over to Star Knight, who kept his eyes forward with a smile still present on his face. She couldn't remember the last time she had a flight partner with her. Not since Gilda and their early days in Junior Speedsters flight camp.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Star Knight suddenly asked, snapping Rainbow Dash out of her thoughts.

"What? Oh." Rainbow Dash smiled sheepishly. Star Knight chuckled kindly. Dash smiled shyly and looked away a bit. "Well. It's about an old friend of mine. Remember when I was going to tell you why my friends and I don't go on adventures anymore?"

Rainbow Dash spent a good hour in the air with Star Knight. Explaining some of her adventures with Twilight Sparkle, and how their last adventure ended in disaster with her death. How she developed a deep hatred towards Sombra, and why she's so determined to have him captured or dead. By noon they landed in the Canterlot sculpture garden.

"So that's why you want Sombra's flank so badly." Star Knight said. Giving Rainbow Dash a sympathetic look.

"And I won't rest until that son of a bitch pays for what he's done to my friends. To Twilight's brother. To Little Strongheart."

Star Knight patted Rainbow Dash's back and gave her a lopsided smile. "You're a tough one, Rainbow Dash." he said, "I admire you for that. I don't think I've ever met a mare who's this strong."

Rainbow Dash smiled. Unaware of the faint blush that appeared on her face. Star Knight suddenly stopped walking when the two stepped underneath a large shadow. The stallion could only blink his eyes in pure awe by the stone statute standing before their eyes. It was a slender figure. But what made it strange was that it had a variety of different animal parts. A lion paw and eagle claw outstretched while the form was recoiled back with a look of horror on its face.

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