Chapter 12

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The weather seemed oddly calm during the flight to Cloudsdale. The group of golden armored pegasus flew silently amongst the white puffy clouds that dominated the sky. Rainbow Dash stayed close to Star Knight, who had a spear attached to his left side and was pointed towards the sky. Rainbow Dash eyed the sharp blade in silently curiosity before she turned her attention straight ahead. She nibbled on her bottom lip nervously when she noticed that the air suddenly grew thicker. The clouds around them grew dark and gray; a storm was literally brewing.

"Cloudsdale is up ahead, sir!" a guard called from ahead.

The Commander of the small squadron, Wind Runner, nodded. "We'll be arriving Cloudsdale shortly, colts! Be prepared for anything that might be thrown at us and pump those wings faster!"

"Yes sir!" the stallions said in unison.

"I've never, really, been to Cloudsdale." Star Knight whispered. Speaking to her for the first time since they left. It surprised Rainbow Dash a bit.

"You'd probably like it there." Rainbow Dash replied in a whisper. "It's literally a city in the sky. It's practically one big giant cloud with structures on it."

Star Knight gave Dash a small smile. "Sounds neat. Have you ever been to Rainbow Fa-"


Rainbow Dash let out a shocked scream from the loud clap of thunder above them. The clouds above them grew harder and thicker; making it hard to see clearly. Flashes of lightning lit up the dark sky every few minutes. Reflecting off of the golden arm that covered the stallions bodies. Star Knight and a few other Pegasi staggered a bit in their flight from the bright flashes.

"Are you alright?" Rainbow Dash asked. Gently grabbing his arm to steady him.

"Y-yeah." Star Knight gave her a shaky smile. "I-I'm just not use to flying in storms."

"It's alright." Rainbow Dash assured him with a kind smile. "I'm not use to flying in storms, either. Yet I'm in charge of the weather in Ponyville." The two of them laughed quietly before being silenced by another clap of thunder.

"Two minutes until Cloudsdale!" Wind Runner yelled, "Weapons at the ready!"

The guards lowered their golden and white spears. All pointing forward. Hot white lightning lit up the darkness around them, causing the tips to flash along with the armor. Star Knight tensed slightly; Rainbow Dash gave his arm an assuring squeeze.


The stallions and mare tensed.


A red glow started to materialize in front of them. The scent of smoke filling their nostrils.


The red glow grew brighter. The lighting around them grew more intense. A few of the stallions around them shuddered in fear.


Screaming. The sound of a screaming was heard. Along with the sound of crackling fire. There were some parts in Cloudsdale that isn't made of cloud. Rainbow Dash grew anxious as they neared the red light. Sweat beading her forehead.


Rainbow Dash wasn't prepared for what she saw: Cloudsdale was on fire. The structures that weren't made of cloud were up in flames. Flashes of black were seen coming from the armored Pegasi that were currently over-running the city with torches and weapons stained with crimson. The Cloudosseum and other structures she knew were engulfed in flames. Thick black smoke polluted the air around them, making it hard to breathe. The smoke stung Rainbow Dash's eyes and it caused her to shed a few tears.

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