Chapter 3

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Twilight yanked and pulled at the metal chain that was attached to the metal collar around her neck. They relocated to a castle hidden in the mountains with the Crystal Ponies. Sombra thought it would be a nice touch if he dragged her along with a chain leash. But Twilight Sparkle refused to be treated like somebody's pet.

"My..." Sombra purred when he stepped into her cell, "You look lovely in chains."

Twilight grunted before glaring dangerously at the tyrant. "As soon as I get outta here-!" Twilight yelped when she lost her balance and accidentally slipped onto the stone floor. Sombra chuckled in amusement; Twilight has bruises, blood, scratches covering her body.

She's a tough mare, this one, Sombra was impressed as he continued to watch her fight with the chain. "I've tried all of my nightmare spells, but none of them are strong enough to break her. It's no wonder she was able to last this long. I must try harder. You must see things my way."

Twilight eventually gave up on the chain and fell on her back in exhaustion. Her tongue hanging out as she panted for breath. Sombra felt something click in him when he saw the young mare splayed out like that on the floor. Fighting back the urges that were beginning to pop up in him, he spoke. "Shall we begin today's secession?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Oh joy." she spat sarcastically.

"It doesn't have to be this way if you would just give up on Celestia and join me instead. She hasn't even sent a search party for you."

"Y-You don't know that!" Twilight protested.

"Oh, but I do know, Twilight Sparkle. I've lived on these lands since my colthood. It would be suicide if she were to send a search party out in this type of weather."

"The Canterlot Royal Guard has some of the best fliers in all of Equestria." Twilight said firmly. "I'm sure they'll manage."

Sombra growled softly in frustration. Flashing his pure white fangs dangerously and causing Twilight to recoil back slightly. No pony she's ever known in person had fangs. This was no ordinary unicorn. Sombra was a master of dark magic. The master of nightmares. The king of shadows. She was skating on thin ice right now.

"They will never find you, Twilight Sparkle." he snarled as he slowly approached the now frightened mare. "You will join my side as both my apprentice and my queen. Your so called "friends" care nothing for you. Neither does your beloved mentor."

"Shut up!" Twilight screamed as she quickly covered her ears. "Just shut up already!"

Sombra snapped. "You NEVER show disrespect towards ME, THE MIGHTY KING!

Twilight tried to put up a brave face, but found that she was too frightened to even move a single muscle. Instead she crawled away from the angry king until she curled herself up against the corner of her cell. Pressing against the cold walls and shielding her face with her hooves.

"I will break you." Sombra vowed. His eyes flashing green as light purple smoke fumed from the corner of his eyes. "And I will use any means necessary in doing so." The tip of his horn glowed before he struck her with a nightmare spell.

Twilight screamed from the agonizing pain that now coursed through her body. She was now enduring the same nightmare she's been having ever since her capture.

Princess Celestia's face looked grim. She shook her head and looked away from her. Clearly disappointed by her failure. Twilight collapsed onto the carpeted floor. Crying heavily. "You call yourself my student?" Celestia scoffed as she narrowed her eyes at her. "Hmph. Some excuse for a student who can't even do one thing right."

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