Chapter 29

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There is a part in the Badlands where very few ponies know of; let alone explored much of it. Beyond the ragged and cracked canyons and mountains that dominated the area was grayscale cave entrance. Well hidden from the eyes of wary travelers and thrill seeking explorers hoping to strike it big time. Inside was nothing but pitch, inky blackness where not even the sunlight could pierce through it. An icy cold breeze would blow out from the cave every now and then. Followed by a deep rumble.

Nightmare Moon, formally known as Princess Luna, landed beside Sombra as he changed back into his physical form. An eager smile present on his muzzle as he took the first steps towards the large cave entrance. Through her eyes, it looked to be about the same height as Canterlot Castle itself. She couldn't help but open her mouth slightly in awe. To think a cave like this remained hidden for so long appalled her beyond words.

A blast of cold air blew at them, causing Nightmare Moon to stop and shiver from the icy blast. The cold itself brought chills to her bones. And the rumble that followed soon after didn't help either. She looked over to Sombra, who remained unphased. Intead, he chuckled.

"This is the place." he said in a pleased tone.

"Are you sure you want to go through this?" Nightmare Moon asked softly. "What if they try to kill us?"

"They won't kill us as long as I'm around." Sombra replied bluntly. Not taking his eyes off the cave entrance. "Stay here, and don't say a word. These dragons know a frightened pony when they see one." he warned before walking a bit closer to the cave.

Nightmare Moon could only watch him in dismay. She questioned herself often as to why she joined him to begin with. But then she would remember that her sister was...gone. He had promised her Canterlot as soon as his plan was completed; and Sombra was a stallion of his word.

Sombra stopped mere inches from the cave entrance. Gazing into the never-ending sea of darkness with excitement and admiration at the same time. It shamed him that he couldn't bring his beloved Queen along. But the last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt. Or worse. The beings he was about to speak with can be rather...unpredictable. Which is why he brought Nightmare Moon along. Like him, she knew Dragonic fluently. Speaking Dragonic, along with his bloodline, are possibly the only things that could save them if something does go wrong.

There was another large blast of cold air coming out of the cave. Causing Sombra's cape to blow back. Even the cold air gave him goosebumps. Behind him, Nightmare Moon pressed her dark wings tightly against her armored body as she did her best to withstand the air cold blast. Actually wishing for it to be daylight now.

"They're here." Sombra whispered to himself.

"Wo yin trespasses nau un deylok?" a deep, chilling voice suddenly asked from within the cave.

Nightmare Moon suddenly perked her head up at this and shuddered fearfully for the first time in decades. She looked over to Sombra once more, and was surprised to find him absolutely calm.

"Frolaaz mii, Lot Gein. Mu drey ni meyz wah intrude nau hin himdah." Sombra replied smoothly. Keeping his eyes directly up at the darkness.

There was a brief moment of silence before a large blast of ice cold air erupted from the cave entrance. Followed by a strange, almost distorted roar. Nightmare Moon felt the tiny rocks by her hooves suddenly begin to move as the ground shook.


Sombra smiled when a pair of blazing white eyes suddenly appeared out of the darkness. Sleek and narrow. But what disturbed Nightmare Moon the most was the fact that no irises or pupils were present. The white eyes gazed down at the dark unicorn, who showed not even a hint of fear. Instead he stood rather tall and proud before the creature before him.

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