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    "You'll be there tonight, right?"

Jungkook chuckles, leaning against my desk. "Of course, why would I miss my boyfriend's fiancé's birthday party?"

    "Seriously, are you coming?" I ask walking back over to him from the filing cabinets.

    "Only because you asked me to." He sighs. "Why do you want me to come anyway?"

    "The rest of the staff will be there, don't you want to come too?" I ask standing in front of him.

    "Hm, do I want to go see you all over Jimin for the entire night? No, I don't." He says standing up straighter so that he's looking down at me slightly.

    "Fine then, don't come. I was just trying to~" I start, walking away from him.

    "Hey." He stops me, putting his hand on my waste. "Why do you want me to come, Tae? We probably won't even run into each other."

I shrug. "Just forget about it, I understand why you don't want to come."

    "Let's say I do come, what's in it for me?" He asks leaning towards me with a smirk.

    "Stop, I already said you didn't have to." I smile and round my desk.

    "I'll stop by for a little bit, just to make you happy." He says facing me as I take a seat behind my desk.

    "Alright, the theme is red and black." I tell him, checking my watch. "I should actually go home and get ready."

    "Go ahead, I'll finish up here for you." Jungkook says.

    "Really? You don't have to." I say even though it would save me a lot of time.

    "I got it, go home. I'll see you tonight." He says with a smile and a look in his eyes that I can't interpret.

    "Thanks, Kook." I say standing and gathering my things quickly. "Just fill out the forms with my information and sign them with my electronic signature."

He nods. "Yeah, I know."

    "Thanks again." I say stopping in front of him and pecking his lips. "Don't feel pressured to come tonight. We can always hang out tomorrow."

He nods with a shrug. "I'll see you later."

    "Bye." I say before rushing out of my office.

It was almost seven and the party started at eight, knowing Jimin's he's probably already dressed by now.

I get home around 7:05pm and rush inside to get dressed.

    "Jimin!" I call as I step out of my shoes by the door.

    "Yeah, I'm here." I hear him say from the kitchen area.

I follow his voice and nearly run into him as he walks out of the kitchen.

He squeaks in surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry."

    "It's okay." I say looking over his outfit for tonight. "You look nice."

    "Oh, yeah. My mother made me wear this." He says looking over his suit.

"Well, I'll be ready in little bit and we can go." I say, he nods and smiles up at me.

"I'll just wait." He says turning to go back into the kitchen.

"Jimin," I say making him turn back around. "Happy birthday, sugar."

His smile grows slightly. "Thank you."

I nod and turn to go get dressed quickly.

My mother also sent me what I would be wearing tonight and even though I preferred the black part of the theme she had me dressed in mostly red to match Jimin.

After I change I straighten my hair and wear my jewelry.

I call to make sure the car in on it's way before putting my shoes on and heading downstairs.

I go to the kitchen to find Jimin writing in his journal with a glass of wine in his left hand.

"The car should be here any moment." I say walking over to him and taking the glass, which obviously wasn't his first since his cheeks were already flushed slightly.

I can practically see the pout on his face as I pour the expensive wine down the drain. "I was drinking that." He says.

"You don't need to show up to the party drunk, Jimin. Drink when you get there." I say facing him.

He sighs and closes his journal. "I hate parties."

I smile a little. "I know you do, but I already told you you can leave when you want."

"Would you still take me on a trip, just the two of us?" He asks looking up at me.

"We go on trips all the time, where could you possibly want to go?" I ask checking my phone for the time.

"Never mind. I'll go put my shoes on." He says hopping down from the stool and leaving the kitchen.

I sigh and follow him to the front door where he steps into his shoes.

My phone dings with a message from the driver.

    "It's time to go, do you have everything?" I ask.

He nods with a sigh, his expression kind of sad.

I don't question him about as we leave, if something was bothering him it was his responsibility to come to me about it.

Plus, tonight's supposed to be a good night, why put a damper on things by letting Jimin bring my mood down?


When we get to the venue there are people lined up outside with cameras, and shouting questions at us as we walk to the front door.

I just try to keep the smile on my face as Taehyung guides me with a protective arm around my waist.

When we get inside everyone cheers and shouts happy birthday at me.

It brings a genuine smile to my face as I thank them silently.

I look up at Taehyung and he is looking down at me with a smile, I can't tell if it's real or fake.

We walk further into the crowd, blending in quickly.

"I'm gonna go find my mother." Taehyung says into my ear.

I nod with a smile even though I don't want to be left alone in a crowd of people I barely know.

He lets me go and disappears into the crowd.

I push through the crowd and towards the seating area.

There's mostly just women with tall shoes sitting there resting their feet.

I grab a drink and sit down at a table alone, scanning the crowd of people.

Some dance to the music and some stand in circles socializing.

I try to make sure to keep a small smile on my face in case there's any pictures being taken but deep inside I feel like crying.

Here I was in a room full of people I didn't know sitting in a corner celebrating my birthday.

And to think, this is how I will live the rest of my life.


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