Eyes Spy

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Jhilmil's pov

It has been one week from that mysterious buyer of all the roses and soon work went to normal...only if I knew nothing was going normal since then.

Today, I reached the shop a little late coz I had to go to college to get my admit card for my final exams.
I am doing  bachelors in home science and am in third year.

The entire journey from our apartment to my college, I felt a car following me....or rather a set of eyes....I could sense it....but can't see it exactly.
Infact, now a days I can feel someone watching my every step. I see a black luxurious car parked right across the street, outside our shop every day.

But I let it go....I mean...come on! Who has the time to follow me. I am no celebrity for crying out loud.

But still, there is some uneasiness.

Another thing, since that rose day...we have got order for one rose bouquet everyday, for an enterprises. It's damn wierd.

But anyways, it is good for our business as it will help maasi from worrying for the monthly bills.

So, it's my duty to take the bouquet to the R&S enterprises, without a delay.
I have heard the owner is very Arrogant and a Badass for his rivals. But who cares, as soon as I get paid the money, I don't mind!
So, with that I made a fresh bouquet of English Roses and drove my scooty towards the building, like before.

After about being in 20 mins traffic I reached a tall glass building.
Wow! This is amazing!!!

I reached the reception and asked the lady over there to take the bouquet...she asked my name....but before I could reply her intercom rang and she answered.... yes....yes....sir...yeah....you mean her .....ok...ok...!
With that she put the receiver down and asked me to go to 20th floor and deliver the bouquet there to the CEO, myself.
Well, this is strange but I ignored the feelings.

I took the elevator and reached the floor...it was all white and grey...most of the walls were made of  glasses allowing the sun rays to penetrate.
And I see nobody... wierd!!!

Anyways I found a door with a golden name plate ingraved The CEO, R&S enterprises, which is where I suppose I am supposed to give the bouquet.
For some unknown reasons, my heart started to beat fast and my hands started to sweat....God! Why am I so nervous....it's just a cabin...with that I knocked the door once

Come In! I heard a very deep voice as if the person behind the doors was trying to intimidate me.

I opened the door and entered the cabin....but before I could say my greetings....I heard the person say ....

Hello my Rose....!!! So, finally we meet.

So guys, this is the new update...I hope you guys read my story and leave your comments.

Will update soon.
Love you all.

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