Sorry, But Not Sorry!

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Jhilmil's pov

Oh God! Why my life can't run on a simpler path? With all the recent chaos happening, I ignored my studies.

And credit goes to that Jerk!

Anyways, I was called by my Dean from the college, she told me she has something important to share!

I reached my college, just minutes before the classroom bell rang.
I hurried towards the Home science department but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw him, the devil himself in front of me, talking leisurely with my Dean!

What was he doing here!?! And how on Earth, he knows my college? Arrgh....why he had to follow me everywhere..!!!! Wait for it! Is he a Psycho stalker!?!

Suddenly, he started walking towards me, rotating his car keys in his index heart started to beat faster as he came closer.....what was happening!?!

Reaching upon my place, he just gave a smirk and walked away!

What was he upto? But admit it, He Looked Hot!!! Arrghh!!! Stop it jhil !!!

Mrs. Awasthi, my Dean gave me a nervous smile and said - I was waiting for you Jhilmil.
Some days back, you asked me to find you a part time job! Guess what, We have a offer for you!

Mr. Raghuvendra Singh Rathore, who happened to visit me a few minutes back, said he jobs for our Home Science department. Many of his famous chains of hotel needed assistance with his Decoration team and various other departments! He is expecting some of our bright students to join in.
He mentioned you name as well, as he claimed that you knew him! She said with a....smirk!?!
I thought she was a nice person!

She continued further - Well, i think you should take up the work. It will be an open offer, timings will be of your choice! I think this will solve your financial situation.

Wow!!! So now that Beast wants to do charity!
What does he think of himself.? How could he thought that he will control my life by taking advantage of my financial situation!
One side he says, he has feelings for me...and on other side, he manipulates my situation.

Bloody Hypocrite!!!!

I politely spoke - Thank you so much ma'am for the offer But I will manage!
You please offer this job to someone who is in much need!

She frowned! Who cares!!

With that, I resumed to my classroom!

Raghu's pov

My Rose is not only a beauty but an angel with golden heart!
I did felt bad when, Mrs. Awasthi told me that, she refused my offer!
I knew, to resume the flower shop, she needed more financial help.
I thought to solve her problems by offering jobs in her college...but man! She is damn Stubborn!

I was engrossed in my Dreamland.... suddenly I heard my phone beep!

I opened my inbox and what I saw had woke up my Beast!

"So, I see the Great Mafia King has a weakness, finally!"
I must say, she is quite a catch for a bloody bastard like you!
And it's a surprise, how a college girl could have such an effect!
Anyways, it has made my work much easier!

I warned you, but you instead insulted me, for few bitches!

Now, see, how I crumble your little bubble of "LOVE"!
it will be as fun as fuck!

Better watch out Buddy!


I thrashed by phone in the glass wall, breaking it into pieces!!!
My anger knew no bounds!

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