The Dawn After The Black Night

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Blood For Blood!
That's the Rule of Revenge!

Raghuvendra's pov

My fingers were shaking, I was hell nervous, heck I was Scared.
Scared of loosing my mom...!!!

I was trying to defuse the Bomb but mom was protesting. She was crying and saying - Please leave me Raghu! Please go from here....i have lived my life son, but you have to look after our have to give me grandchildren!

She was trying to cheer me up...and I for the first time shouted on her - Just shut up mom!
I am not going to leave you here to Di...i could not even utter that word!
If this has to happen, I will come with you!

But she pushed me and spoke - Raghu, don't act like a five year old! Promise me, you will look after everyone....and forgive Ragini's kids too. They were manipulated by her.
She was saying something else when we heard someone say -

You are right Aunty! We were tricked by our own mother who we put above everything... And look where we are standing now! - it was Harshad

He came forward and asked - May I Try?

And I blasted - Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you really think I will trust you with my mother's life when your own mother was planning to kill her!
Don't you dare touch my mom Harshad!

Raghuvendra, Bhai has learnt the technicality of Bombs. Let him try, please!
We don't mean any trouble! We are already ashamed to know the true colors of our mother.
And we would definitely not cause more harms than our mother already did! - Shikha spoke

Look, Raghuvendra time is running out! We have to defuse the Bomb ASAP! Let me do it please! - Harshad said again

I looked at mom and she nodded.
Harshad began to do something with wires attached to that thing. I was literally chewing my anticipation. The anti-Bomb squad was also on their way.

Suddenly, I heard beeps from the bomb and I pushed Harshad hard and shouted - What the hell did you do to that thing!?!

If anything happened to my mom, i swear , I will kill you Harshad in the most cruel way possible!

Raghuvendra, relax! The bomb is defused, look, your mom is out of any danger! - Shikha spoke

And I jerked my eyes towards mom and found her safe and the blinking lights of that bomb was gone! She nodded and I hugged her tight like a five year old.

She spoke - Raghu, are these Ragini's kids?
I nodded and mom looked between Harshad and Shikha and said - I know you love your mother but there has been a lot wrong she had done in the past and she has to pay for them. I will myself tell you her sins and both Raghuvendra and Siddharth deserve this closure!
So, we have to find her....she is very dangerous and you two should be alert too.
Harshad spoke - We are ashamed of whatever happened in the past and now we know, how mom manipulated us to get Power and Money for her selfish reasons.
We will help you but please just don't kill her, she also suffered a lot when she was paralyzed and unconscious for 10 years.
I beg you all to give us a chance, I will go out of this country if you want!

I am glad you are a genuine boy! But let's just leave all that to destiny. We have to find Siddharth before Ragini does something bad! - mom spoke again

We all left to the direction, Sid had followed her we had no traces of any one them. My men were also searching in every corner of mansion but it didn't help.

I banged my fist on a glass door and yelled - I swear upon my late father, if anything happened to Siddharth, I will kill ragini on the very first sight of her!

We could few gun shot from  distant place but

But could she go? It's like she vanished in air! Did...Did....she kill my Sii.... - mom gasped but couldn't complete her word

Shikha passed a look to Harshad and I clutched his arms and aimed my gun on his forehead and shouted - Is this your plan! Where the fuck is your mother Harshad, I am asking you for the last time!

It's a hide out! - Shikha spoke

I raised an eyebrow.

It's a secret passage which connects this Hall with the backyard, it's the same place bhai and I were hiding when you came to kill out father! - she elaborated

Harshad clicked a frame on the wall and there it opened like a door. We could here running feets and a few gunshots. My heart was pounding and we could hardly see anything but we kept going.

In the middle of the tunnel I saw Siddharth chasing ragini with his gun on alert. I ran to him and said - Siddharth, where is Ragini? Why are you bleeding?

Um...i don't know, she was here but she fired at me....but I am ok....but I think I lost her...! - he spoke

Don't worry! You take rest and I will run after her. Harshad and Shikha know this place better, and they offered to help....may be Ragini is hiding somewhere secretly. - I said

I am not resting anyway before I kill that evil witch! - he snarled

Harshad walked a little ahead and roamed his hands on the wall and then clicked something opening a small door... We followed and heard someone running ahead of us....following the steps we reached the backyards.

I yelled - Ragini, stop running! Your game is over! Now it's pay back time.

She stopped running and turned around and shot back - if I die, you all will die too!

Mom, please stop this Madness! This is doing us no good! - Harshad spoke

I see, you brained washed my kids too! I will kill you Gayatri! - she shouted like a wounded fox.

She tried to fire at mom but I pushed her...she growled and shot at me and I felt someone pushing me hard and I heard a shot!
Mom screamed but I was frozen to see blood on her face!

I looked at her but she looked fine but then I screamed to see a very familiar figure!
I saw Sid firing at Ragini and she was floored... Covered in her blood...but I cared a fuck....i thumped down on my knees with the falling figure in front of me...!!!!

Blood was oozing out like a fountain from the body and i sat there lungs forgot to breathe and my heart stopped beating....!

What have you Done Rose?

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