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Raghu's pov

Oh God!
What have I done!

How can i forget this stupid inseparable friend of mine!

Now, I am sure Sid is going to kill me!
Well, you deserve it, don't you!?!

Okay! I am not a person who explains himself or feels guilty for my deeds. But this is an undeniable truth that i can go to any extend to protect my loved ones.

And siddharth is one person who is my true friend. He is the brother I never had. We both stood for each other since our childhood days.
He was always the sensitive one, sensible too!
I am ruthless and he is compassionate!
We two don't have any secrets between us.

Agreed that, In all this chaos, I forgot to inform him... About my plan... But how could I.... If he knew... There was no way he would have let me marry rose. The idealistic he is!

But, I know he is not going to let this go!

Looking at his angry face, I even forgot that I was looking for my Bride and she is right in front of my eyes.

Well, First things First!

There is no way in hell that I will upset my Brother, even if it is for Rose!

And Angry Siddharth is a deadly!

He eyes found me and he looked directly into my eyes and pointed his finger at me and yelled - YOU!

Only this guy has this privilege!

He took fast deadly steps towards me and next thing I know, I was lying flat on the marble floor.
Told you, angry Sid is deadly!
He punched me some more and I let him. Then he said -

How could you do this Raghu!
How could you!
You hurt me!

I looked into his eyes and saw clear hurt. It stirred something inside me. He was not a guy to show his emotions easily, just like me, but then it was Sid! He couldn't keep it to himself when it comes to me.

I held his hand and said one magic word that we two, don't say to anybody!

I said - SORRY YA, SID!

His eyes turned soft and he sighed!
He rose from ground and gave me his hand to help and said - You better have a valid reason, Raghu!

This is all I wanted!

I looked at the gathering of curious staffs and other members and yelled at them to get away!

I am not going to entertain them for my personal life.!

I followed Sid to our Terrace and he crossed his arms on his chest and said - Explain ?

I said - Sid, I am sorry buddy! But I couldn't avoid this any longer.
And I knew, you would not approve of my methods and I could not let her slip away.
Nobody knew about my plans.... It was all planned in very confidential manner and I was about to tell you but that bastard khatri got to know about my weakness towards her and he threatened to manipulate her. And I couldn't let that happen. You were already away for a serious matter yourself and I did not want to fill your plate more.
So, I was left with no other choices.

Do you love her? - he asked

I sighed and told him I did not know the honest answer to that one particular question. I knew I have a strong feeling for her... I wanted to hold her... I wanted to protect her.... she makes me do crazy things. I feel very possessive of her. But do I love her? I am not sure, for the kind of life I have lived, there has been no place for love.
But loosing her is not something I could afford. So, I married her! This was the best way to protect her!

Did you marry her without her consent? - his next question was the most I dreaded.

I couldn't meet his eyes this time as he can read me like an open book.

So, he forced her! - he yelled

And I nodded.

He jerked me by my shoulder and said - Raghu, what is wrong with you? Why did you have to take such a haste step. You could have provided her with our security.
Does mom know? You know this is the only thing she hates the most! Disrespecting a woman! She would never appreciate this marriage.

I turned cold and yelled - I DON'T CARE!
It doesn't matter now, she is married to me and nobody can change that now.

If I am not wrong, this is the same girl who owns that flower shop, what was her name again, Jhilmil, right!?! - he asked bewildered

I nodded.

He said - Gosh! Raghu, she is a college kid! You know, she is too innocent to enter our dark world. And on top of that you forced her...!
You must have scared the hell out of her. She must be frightened. She is going to hate you!

This angered me! I was not liking His concerns for her.
I yelled - what's done is done! Sid, She can not change her fate now, SHE IS MINE!
And she will learn to live in our world, I will make her... You need not worry!

Surprisingly he chuckled - Woah dude! Calm down! I am not taking her side... Don't be jealous...I am concerned about you. I know your anger issues... So Don't go hard on her! Give her some time...and will eventually understand you.

I sighed.

By the way, I must say she is a Beauty! And a Spitfire, if I may add. You lucky ass! - she smirked

I chuckled and said - You have no idea, my friend!

We hugged each other and he finally smiled and said - I am happy for you Raghu! Congratulations my friend..!
Now, let's go meet your Bride!

I was relieved, for my brother was on my side now.
I can win the world now!

We reached the living area where my Bride was sitting nervously, looking here and there.

Mom approached us and asked - What happened! Why Sid was so angry? Raghu, what did you do?

Sid replied - Ohh! Don't worry mom! I just had an unfinished business with him! Chill!

Now, won't you introduce me to my sister in law? - he added

Oh my God! - Mom squealed dramatically and walked towards rose, holding our hands.

She hold rose's hand and said - jhilmil! Here meet my other son, he is Siddharth!

Siddharth stood before her and extended his hand and Jhilmil looked up with her narrowed eyes and then her eyes widened at the sight of Siddharth.
My eyes met with hers and we had a moment there but she quickly averted her gaze. How I wish I was alone with her. This separation is killing me for some unknown reasons.

Siddharth winked and laughed at her reaction and said - Welcome home, Bhabi! (Sister in law)
Sorry for the chaos I created earlier but now we are even! I must say you are looking very pretty. Hope my brother is going to treat you right. If anything, call me... And I will deal with him!

Rose was too stunned to react! And we brothers laughed at her naivety!

Mom said - OK! Enough with your rants. Let my daughter breathe!
And we shall begin with the rituals.!

You two go and gather all the guests!

I looked at my Bride one more time and found her looking at me with an uncertain emotion and then I Walked with Sid to give him company.

Gosh! I just want all these rituals to finish and may be then I can have some alone time with her!
This girl is going to be the death of me!

Hello people! So, here is an update! I hope you all will like it!
Please vote and leave your comments!
I will be back in a day with another update!
Love ya all!

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