A weird Acceptance

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Raghuvendra's pov

Finally, the love of my life, the queen of my heart is with me for eternity. Today is the most beautiful day of my life. But yet I could not enjoy the happiness of our sacred alliance because my bride here, is crying non stop since we left the mandir. We are sitting in my Audi and we're going to go to our home.
Gosh! I am so excited!

However, it took all my control to not lash out on my wife, for what little stunt she was trying to pull when I asked her to come home with me.


We are now officially a married couple. And my heart knew no bounds...it was thumping in excitement and happiness.
I took blessings from her maasi and she asked me take care of jhilmil. And i sincerely told her that she need not worry about anything. I would keep her like a queen.
She seemed satisfied.

I asked my men to prepare for our journey to our home. But my little spitfire, my rose, had other plans.
She started to sob bitterly and clung to her aunt, telling her that she doesn't want to go with me. She told her to ask me to let her stay at her Maasi's place.
The nerve of this girl!
I squeezed her wrist a little tight and glared at her, challenging her to disobey me.
She shivered under my gaze...good for me....coz I am a control freak!

I said - it's getting late rose, let's go! We have to reach our home before the sunset as per the custom.
She just nodded and I led her to my car.
I opened the door for her and offered my hand to help her with her lehenga as it was quite heavy but she just looked away and sat inside the car and closed the door with a thud!
If it would have been someone else I would have put all my bullets in his head. But, here I was talking about my newly wedded wife and I just closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to clam my nerves. But she is definitely going to get punished. I went to the other side and sat in the car and again this girl, she shifted afar, towards the window as if this would stop me from sitting close to her..! She is so naive!
But I love her! Geez!

Not once she stopped crying since we started our journey and now I was getting frustrated. So, I yelled at her to stop crying and boy! She actually stopped! And soon fell asleep.

Flashback ends.

Anyways I will deal with her in our private time. But right now I have to come face to face with my mom. I have to seriously make up a believable story for my current situation. She is not to mess with!

What! For the world I may be a cruel and stubborn man but believe you me, my mom is the ultimate drama queen!

We were about a kilometre away from the mansion and my bride is still sleeping carelessly, even though in my heart I wanted to let her sleep as she has been through a lot today but my mind commanded to wake her up as we need to talk a little before meeting my mom. And she definitely needs a touch up before meeting my mom.

So, I shook her by her shoulder and called out her name and she pouted!

Man, I want to kiss her senseless right here...right now!

Anyways, I once again nudged her and this time she opened her eyes. As soon as they saw me this close to her, she flinched away.

Wha....wha...what a..are... you ...do...doing...!?! - she
And I smirked!

I said - Oh Darling! Believe me, we will do many things together soon enough but right now, you have to fix yourself.

Huh!?! - she asked confused

We are about to reach our mansion. So, you have to get yourself prepared...coz I don't want any trouble from your end. You are going to meet my mom and she does not know anything about this wedding. We need to convince her for our acceptance. So, just act along and dare you misbehave! - I said, giving a warning glare

She nodded and readjusted her hair and dress a little.
She is really a celestial beauty!
Focus Raghu!

Soon, the driver announced our arrival and I got down and opened the door for her and held out a hand....but she glared at me...and moved her face aside...causing me to chuckle at her cute antics.
I just held her hand forcefully and dragged her along and giving her a last challenging look, i rang the doorbell.

A maid opened the Door and gasped seeing the sight infront of her. She almost became a statue.

I barked - what!?! Are you going to stand here all your life? Move aside!

Scared she just moved away giving us space.

I could hear the TV volume on and I guess mom must be watching some daily soaps. For some reasons I called out for her.

And I heard her footsteps....!

Kanti, what happened....what is this commotion....I can hear Raghu shouti......
Suddenly, she was standing infront of us with her mouth opened and eyes widened as if it would come out any second.

Her eyes moved from me to jhilmil..and back and forth...!

What is all this, Raghu! She asked gritting her teeth.
Who is this girl....and why she is wearing a bridalwear?

Mom! Are you not going to welcome your daughter in law. - I dropped the bomb cause it's now or never!

She gasped and her eyes scanned the both of us.
Hhahahahahha......nice try son! You are joking, right!?! - she laughed

I just rolled my eyes....and held jhilmil's hand in a firm grip and said -

Mom, this is no trick! I really got married! This is your daughter in law, jhilmil. Now, can we come inside?

She composed and once again looked at both of us.
Is this true? - she asked jhilmil who was in a trance and I squeezed her palm and raised an eyebrow at her....she just looked between mom and me....and she just nodded.

Mom let out a sigh, thinking about God knows what!

And I began to take my wife inside the house....anyways this much drama is enough for this day...! I am too tired to handle more.....just wanted to rest for sometime.

Where do you think you are going, Raghu? - my steps came at a halt at an angry tone. This was my mother.

Not now mom, we are tired!! - I said

Enough! - she almost yelled

She took slow steps towards us and stood infront of me and said -
It's a shame, You did not inform me about your marriage and to be frank I am not much happy about it but you can't just go in like this, with my daughter in law!

I could see hurt in her eyes...!
Sorry mom, I did not mean to hurt you but I will apologise and make you happy.

What do you want mom? - I asked frustrated

Oh, nothing much son! I don't know how you two got married...But here, you have to follow my rules and all the rituals. - she said in an angry tone
And held my hand and dragged me outside the main door.

I was stunned at her reaction to say the least!

Afterall, I can't let you come home with your bride without a proper "Grihapravesh". - she exclaimed and smiled

And I let out a breath of relief.

Mom! You got me! - I shrugged

For a moment I saw rose also, looking stunned at my mom!
And I was like...Girl, you have no idea...what my mom is!

Kanti, get me a thaal. I want to welcome my "Bahu" in a proper way and order sweets for everyone. - Mom's voice echoed

Soon enough, she made me hold jhilmil's hand, not that I had left her side anyways, and mom did our "Aarti" and patted both mine and Jhilmil's head with love and welcomed us inside.

So, finally we were accepted...even though in a weird way...I couldn't complain....and now I knew half the battle is won!

Hola people! So, I am back and here is a new update like I promised. Stay tuned as the next update is going to be a little steamy....yeah yeah....keep dreaming!

I shall be back real soon.
Keep reading and please give it a star!

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