The Clearing Of The Dawn Part 1

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You can not stop the feelings you have for someone. You can't lie to yourself either. Your Heart knows the truth all too well.
And hiding your feelings from that someone is like dying alive!

Jhilmil's pov

Content and Complete.....that's what I felt when that bullet hit me....I feel like dying...but I was happy that I was dying in the arms of someone I love!
It broke my Heart when I saw him on that gunpoint....i knew I had to save him...even if I have to die!

Raghuvendra and I shared a very quaint relationship.
He was so sure to spend his life with me that he threatened me and forced to marry him....and on the other hand, I never was able to understand his eccentric love towards me, until now!

But I guess, it's too late for me to realise his love for me and my love for him!
I will never be able to express myself before him. But still, I am happy that I was able to save him!
May be this is my first and possibly last attempt towards him but it is from my deepest of love filled heart!

I just hope, he sees love in my dying eyes...i wanted to confess my love for him....but damn my voice....i could not utter a single word!

He was shouting....calling my name...and kept kissing me....sometimes pressing my heart to may be increase my dropping beats but he doesn't know, my heart will always beat for him Whether I am dead or alive! I saw his head coming towards mine and I could feel his fast frantic heartbeats thumping against my chest from under his shirt. I could smell his cologne that was musky and masculine and definitely dominating....He was rubbing my hands to keep me warm and awake....
That's when his lips brush against mine and I lost all my was my last chance to get so close to I fisted his silky hair and brought him closer to me as if my life depended on that kiss...if that was possible.!
I felt so helpless....i wanted to react to his kisses for the last time...i wanted to feel his love till my last breath but alas!

And soon, I felt shooting pain in my stomach and I saw black dots covering my eyes or may be I am just dying!

Good Bye My Love!


Flash Back

I was waiting for the driver to take me home....but then my mind kept thinking that what was wrong with Raghuvendra! Why he ran away like that...!
As far as I know him, he would never leave me in such a place without any guards or any explanation.

I then decided I will confront him! There has to be something serious.
The driver came and I asked him to take me to Raghuvendra's I knew I would find Siddharth there and may be I will ask him.

But when I reached there Jaanvi was already there, going towards their cabin. I asked her if she saw Siddharth or Raghuvendra!?!

She said - I am going to their cabin, if you want you can come with us!

And we both went but then I stood there dumbfound.
Both Siddharth and Raghuvendra were talking about someone called Ragini. And they were talking about shooting and mom behind held somewhere.
My stomach jumped up to my mouth. Raghuvendra was going on a mission and dre I say a dangerous one!
There was no way, I was letting him go alone! So I said that I will go with him but he just scolded me.

He said - Rose, stay out of this! You have got nothing to do with this dangerous side of our work!

Like seriously, if he was so concerned, then he shouldn't have brought me in his world full of enemies and danger.

I spoke - I don't care Raghuvendra!
I will not let you go alone! And you can't stop me! Already you are injured and you think that I will leave you alone!

But he sternly said - Don't make me mad Rose! And anyways, since when you started caring about me!?! Just get back home and I will see you there! Now - Leave!

And that felt like someone had stabbed a dagger in my heart. His hateful words made me cry. I still protested but he jerked me out of his cabin.

And I helplessly shed tears and ran away!

I reached the car and asked the driver to drop me to the Rathore mansion.
I locked myself in our room and cried my heart out. His words twisted my heart...why I felt so insulted and ignored when he threw those hurtful words at me?
Why I felt so protective of him?
Why I was ready to join him in his dangerous mission?

Because, I Love Him!
I fricking Love him so much that I am ready to die if it came to that!

I don't remember till how much time I cried but soon, I heard my doors knocked.

I wiped my tears and opened the door to see fuming Jaanvi and Sneha!

I didn't know, you couldn't even convince R? - Jaanvi spoke

Sneha said - Please Jaanvi, let's not go around the bush! We need her if we want to help Sir!

What happened? - I asked getting tensed

We have to go to the Malhotra mansion, there has been firing and we don't know what the situation is!
Raghu sir and Siddharth sir might be in danger too, and I can not just sit here!
You wanna join us? - Sneha asked

Is that even a question? I am coming with you! Let's go! - I replied

But, I have no idea where they would be! - I said to noone in particular

Sneha said - Well, don't worry about that!  I am tracking Sir's location on my GPS
Let's just get moving!

And how we, the Trio drove towards the Malhotra Mansion!

Flash Back ends

The place we reached rather looked like an old ruined mansion.
We tried to look around but couldn't find anyone but we could hear the firings.

I panicked and spoke - What's going on here? Who's Firing? Are they safe? How could Raghuvendra risk their lives like this!?!

Hey! Relax, Raghuvendra sir had his team surrounding this area, and Siddharth sir is also there...I am sure they are safe! - sneha asserted

Don't worry Jhilmil! My Brothers are made of Iron! They are used to gunfires and shooting! They will be safe! You should worry about their enemies! - jaanvi spoke smirking

After a little roaming we reached the back of the mansion and three of us froze. I saw a lady trying to kill mom but Raghuvendra pushed her. I began to run towards them but sneha held my arm but that lady, aimed at My husband...and
I lost it!

I ran like a mad woman...and all I could see was, that lady ready to kill my Raghuvendra.

I reached between them and pushed him away with all my might but I stumbled when the bullet hit me straight in my stomach...i heard mom screaming...and saw Siddharth shooting that lady and she too floored in her own blood.

My heart beats began to slow vision blurred....but I was embraced by my Love, my Beast!
I could tell, he was devastated to see me shot but I guess it was too late!

I am going to die without living my love life!

Hello my lovely readers!
So, here is another early bonus chapter for you all!

I think i deserve your votes and your valuable thoughts on the chapter!

See you soon!

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