Our Birthday Boy

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Raghuvendra's pov

Days passed and now I feel much better...infact I am back in action. My Rose is now fully recovered and she is almost about to complete her graduation.

And about Harshad and Shikha, they moved to Pune. Mom insisted them to stay with us but they refused and I think this is better this way.
Siddharth is also not comfortable around them so I guess it's for the Best!

So, talking about today, it's is My Brother's Birthday!
Yes, today is Siddharth's Birthday....and I have arranged a party for him in our mansion.

And I have a little surprise for my brother!
Can't wait to see his reaction!

What he thought, that I will miss out on his secret love life!
You are in for a very interesting game Little Brother!

I am so happy for my Friend, that finally he too found his love!
But a little teasing is required!

It's evening time and I placed a box for my Rose!
Yes, things are going on a right track between us.....she is more comfortable around me now and she accepts my little romance here and there but we haven't completed the Deed yet but I guess today is not the day. I want to make her mine in all senses but looking at her hesitation, when I try to be intimate with her....i back off every time.
Because I want her first to be memorable and with her consent.
And I am ready to wait till eternity for her...!

Ah! Definitely not for eternity... May be a week or two... But right now, I am impatient to see her in the saree I have gifted.

I knocked at the door and heard her faint come in.

And there she stood, in that Beige and Lavender saree taking my breath away.

Gosh! My Rose is so beautiful and she is giving me a tough time to control myself. Looking at her perfect curves and that tiny milky waistline I am hardly able to stop myself from getting hard in my pants.

I leaned more towards her and my hand automatically caressed her soft glowing cheeks and I spoke - why are you so Beautiful Rose? Is it necessary to look this attractive every single time? Han? Do you know how hard it is for me to control myself from ravishing you?

And to top of all this, a lot of Bastards would be there to lust at my Wife! How am I going to stop myself from plucking out their eyeballs!
Damn it!

She lowered her eyes and gulped and my heart skipped a beat looking at her cylinder neck! I wanted to give hickeys all over her exposed neck to show the entire world that this beauty belonged to me!

I was brought back from my dreamland by her finger snapping in front of me.

She asked - How do I look?

Wow! This girl really knew how to tease me!

Anyways, I complimented her and then took her with me to discuss my little secret plan for my Brother dear!

It's going to be so much Fun!

Are you sure about this? - she asked after learning my plan.

I am! It's about time, he accepted his love! - I smirked

Let's do this! - I spoke holding her hand and we left for the Hall.

Siddharth was looking very handsome hunk of a man.

We made him cut the cake...everyone started to congratulate him but he looked a little preoccupied...Of course Brother! After all you are searching for your Lady Love.

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