Her Saviour, Her Destroyer

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Jhilmil's pov

Water....Water....please anybody here! - I was hardly able to speak up

Oh! So now, this good for nothing Girl wants water!
Do we look like your servents bitch?? - yelled an angry Harshad

I told you, I am not the best bait! But two didn't listen....see its been almost a week....and He is still not here!

Why don't you let me go!
Why are you punishing me for his deeds.?
I am not even important to him! - i whimpered

Just Shut Up! - he yelled

Atleast give me water, please! - I cried

You are not on your picnic, princess! You would not get any more food or water...if we don't get to kill him....we will kill you! - he flared his nose

Then kill me....please! I can't take it anymore! - I whispered before I lost all my energy....and fainted...or may be died!

An Explosions of gunfires.....a whip like Boom...or Snap....could be heard all around me. I couldn't figure out if I was dead or dreaming!
But if I am not dead and I am not dreaming, this has to be him....my Devil of A Husband!

I could hear shrills and soul piercing yelpings..! And if I am not wrong...i heard shikha and Harshad too!
But this time around, I did not feel Bad for them at all. Those jerks deserved it! In fact I felt proud of my Husband!

I heard fast food steps coming towards me...that pumped blood to my veins...it created A stupid Hope within my soul...i knew he is here to save me...i tried to make noises...tried to tap my chair...anything...that could prompt him...i was struggling...so that I could free myself...and run to that Devil.!

Yes, "Jhilmil" wanted to run to that "Beast"

I guess, I must have done some good deeds in the past that the rope tied to my hands loosened and I freed myself and run towards the door.

I started to bang it with my fists....and as if They heard me! God or Devil, I can't say!
But I was relieved!
The Door busted and there stood my devil.... Looking murderous...holding a shiny gun. And behind him was Siddharth and a girl, whom I don't know.
His eyes softened once he took in my condition but soon his demeanor changed to anger and then into a God of Devils from Hell!
His eyes were blood red....his jaws clenched...veins visible in arms.

I feared him but at that instant I did not care for his demeanor or his punishments or anger....i ran to him with whatever strength I had...and launched myself on him...and enguled him in A bone crushing hug...as if my life depends on him. He literally stumbled...and was startled to look at my dare!

I sobbed and said - Please don't be angry....Take me away with you! Please!

He patted my back for a second and then held me in bridal style and walked out.

He said something to Siddharth who gave me a concern look and remained there and we left.

All this while I could feel his deep fast breathing...he was dangerously quite and  didn't spare me a look.

Soon, we reached his car and he led us towards the back seat and settled me nicely and then ordered the driver for some direction.

I was feeling so weak that I went into a deep slumber.

I was walking on familiar streets....it was pitch dark without a moon and stars....some of the flickering street lights were providing a little light....i was scared of my surrounding...the leaves on the side trees were creating spooky noises....suddenly a felt a set of eyes following me....i turned around but found nothing....may be I was imagining things....i walked fast....and then I heard gunshots....sound echos....foot steps....i held my breath and started to walk faster...i wanted to reach home....i wanted to be safe....i could see our house lamp shinning just across the road...i was just about to reach the door but a pair of masculine hand held me....i am struggling....but the hold was too strong....and then I heard a deep intimidating voice - Didn't I tell you that You can not Run from me! You are mine for this lifetime...may be more!

I woke up with a jolt....and darkness engulfed me...i felt weak...dry...but found myself shivering....and was sweating....adjusting my eyes to the darkness....i tried to find a switch or something with my hands....from the feel of it I could tell...i was lying on a soft bed...but the place or the scent was not familiar. Fear engulfed me and I began panick again...
What if I am kidnapped again...i began to shout - Hello! Anybody here?

I heard a click and a night lamp glow....i saw a silhouette sitting crossed legged on a big chair....it was holding a cigarette and what I could tell....it was a hard drink. The face was still not visible but it looked very intimidating.

It said - I see you are awake Rose!

My blood stopped flowing through my veins.! This is the Beast!
How on earth he brought me here!
And he looks mad!

This is bad news!

I am dreaming....yeah...that might be it...there is no way he would punish me this soon....unless....!

Well, who am I kidding! He doesn't Love me!

I am actually here Rose! - he gritted his teeth

Oh boy!

I gulped the dry saliva....i don't know what he is going to do....i stayed frozen at my place. But somehow, I was prepared!

He took predatory steps towards me...his eyes piercing holes in my flesh....he came dangerously close to my face and said coldly - I thought I will give you time to adjust...but you always misunderstood my generosity as my foolishness. Tsk...Tsk...Rose I am anything but Foolish!

I gave you my trust and you just threw it out of the window! Hun!

He held my arms in a tight grip...his nails were digging in my flesh...he added -
Are you feeling Hurt?

I couldn't say anything.

Are. You. Feeling. Hurt!?! - he yelled and I winced

I nodded.

Then can you imagine how much of hurt and agony I went through when you tried to run away from me.? When...when I came to know you were kidnapped by those low lives! - he asked madly, shaking my entire body

Did you really think you could escape me, Rose? Do you have any idea, you could have died! - he yelled

I.... I..... A... Am.... So....Sorry! - I stuttered with fear

His facial muscles softened but in a split...were hardened...his eyes were stoned...i could hear chattering of his teeth...he was looking like a mad Beast.

Why did you do it jhilmil? - he asked

I didn't have an answer so I just looked into his eyes with mine and whispered - I was confused!

CONFUSED??? Really Jhilmil????? - he shot back

But my heart sank when I realised he was calling my name not the endearment he gave me.

He sighed and said - I thought with time, I will make you see my love...but you...!

I agree I forced you...to marry me...but I never demanded anything unreasonable!

Tell me a good reason why do you keep rejecting me! I am this Bad that you chose to shake hands with my enemies! You did not even think twice before risking your life!
Were you that desperate to escape?

If my love for you is making you suffocate then I might as well free you!
Because, you might not value your life....but for me your safety will always be my first priority!

I can't promise if I can ever stop loving you but I promise, there will be a day, when I won't be waiting for you to fall in love with me.

He then left me just like that! I was too numb to react!

I felt pain...pain of his love..!
I was speechless!
Why? Oh God Why?

Is he really in love with me....or is he calling his lust as Love...to manipulate me...How could his so called love be true!
Is he paying some kind of mind games with me!
Why did he leave me without any punishments?

Gosh! Why this man is so complicated... He saved me....he tortured me...and then left me!

What Does He Want!?!

Hello peeps!
Guys! I deserve more votes as I gave you all an early update!
Don't forget to spread the words!

Will try to update soon!
Love you all!

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