Chapter 6

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*Olivia's Pov*
"See you after guys, thanks for the ride!" I smile and open the car door, but Tommy stops me by speaking.
"It's no problem. You don't have to thank me everyday, ahaha." I blush a little and proceed to exit the car. I feel the cold air embrace my face as I head towards the school building, the darkness calming me and almost luring me to sleep. I enter the dull place, making a right turn into the hallway with cheesy posters that shouldn't be found in a high school. I continue until making another right turn and eventually find my locker. I take my chemistry textbook and binder and throw my backpack and jacket into the locker before closing it. Soon enough, a lot of the students begin showing up, and I begin to feel very self conscious from all the looks I'm getting.
"Almost forgot how much I love Mondays..." I mutter to myself, releasing a deep sigh right after.
~After 1st-5th period (meaning only 1 period left until the end of the day)~
I walk into the school's library, since I had study hall for my last period today. I sprint to the bookcases in the back, hoping to not be seen by anyone. I was determined to hurry and find a source for my research project and immediately leave. But, of course, that didn't happen. I lean down to look at the last shelf and skim my fingers across the bindings of countless Wars That Changed America novels, not caring for any. After a few minutes, I notice that I've literally thrown 10 books onto the floor, and I rush to clean them up.
"Wow, sucha hard worker," Jack says sexily and with a smirk, balancing himself against the bookcase. I get up and smooth my hair down, feeling like a mess in front of him.
"Did you come here just to find me?" I joke, hoping he doesn't think I'm serious.
"I'm not sure where that rush of confidence came from, but I think I really like it."
I jokingly gasp, taking a step back and play along. "What makes you think I'm not confident most of the time?"
"The way you acted when you were handing out those flyers, all cute and shy..." He smiles, melting me at the same time. C'mon, stand your ground, Liv.
I tried, very hard, to not let the pink in my cheeks show, but he made it impossible. I didn't want to get attached to the thought of Jack thinking I was cute or whatever. It was probably one of his little tricks to get inside my pants, if that's what he wanted in the first place.
(Please listen to Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra it is exactly what this scene is about. And the song is beautiful <3)
Jack notices my quietness and speaks up. "So, did your dad end up yelling at you for being late?" He lets out a small laugh, but I don't join in. I instantly feel my heartbeat quicken and a wave of heat goes over my body, like the feeling you get before almost falling back in a chair.
"No." I say sharply. He didn't realize it. He didn't know what bringing my dad up did to me. Although it wasn't his fault for being unaware, I took it offensively. "You don't know anything, Jack."
"I know a little, Olivia Marie." He still has a smile on his face, but to me it looked evil.
"If you actually did know, then you'd understand that as of right now, you really have no idea." I throw the books I was about to rent back onto the shelf, not caring that I really needed them for the project. I was so beyond upset and hurt that he could even convince himself that he really knew me based off of three pointless conversations that were less than several minutes long. I just wanted to get out. To get away from Jack.
I feel tears well up in my eyes as I make my way farther away from Jack and eventually out of the library and school. It was so unbelievable how the conversation went from great to horrible in a matter of a few minutes. It's like he was egging me on to break apart in front of him, to get the satisfaction of seeing me crumble to his feet. And the second worst part was that he didn't even ask what was wrong or if he said anything wrong as he saw me walking away, heartbroken, from the situation. But then again, he was Jack Gilinsky. Jack Gilinsky didn't run after girls; girls ran after him. He was starting to have the same effect on me as he did on other girls. I was determined to not be another one of his toys.
"Olivia! Hey!" I see Shannon perk up at the sight of me, smiling, and she gives me a wave. I don't respond with words, instead, I shake my head slowly. Her smile fades and her eyebrows furrow slightly, "Not a good time, I understand. Hope to see you tomorrow," she says disappointingly and walks away, holding the binders in her arms tighter against her body.
You need to stay away from him was all I kept telling myself throughout the rest of the day, but in the back of my mind, I knew I didn't believe that.
(A/N) BEYOND sorry that it's short and that I only included Liv's Pov, but I promised to put up a new chapter and this was all I could think of. I'm sorry guys, I'm not having a good writing day is all I guess :/

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