My Sincere Thanks To YOU!

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Hello for the last time! First off, I'm sorry about this sad ending, but I think that's how Jack and Liv's story was meant to end. I started this story back in August/September 2014 (wow, it's been a year) and I've been planning this since, so I hope you guys can understand. Also, I felt like the story would have been too good to be true if they lived together "happily ever after" because let's face it, life doesn't always happen in our favor. Once again, thank you all so much for making this possible. And by that I mean leaving me positive, uplifting feedback which made me feel so thankful and inspired me to continue this story. I hope I've inspired at least one of you to create one of your very own stories, and continue it, not just start. I hope it's been worth the waiting and reading and I hope I've made you feel something while reading my work. For the final time, thank you all so so so so much for sticking with me and my crazy updating schedule. 

By the way, please leave me some last feedback about what you felt throughout the story and what your favorite events were and whatever else you enjoyed. Peace out, xoxo.

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