Chapter 7

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(A/N) Sorry for the wait but here it is :) <3


4  days later... (Friday)

*Olivia's Pov*

After the incident with Jack, I especially tried to avoid him at school the rest of the week. Even though he didn't know what my dad was constantly going through, he must've seen me break in front of him. He probably wasn't phased by that. He put girls through that almost every week, so why did I expect for him to treat me differently? I knew for a fact that I was not special.

"Liv, can you please stop zoning out!" Lydia says laughingly, giving my cheekbones a pat. She should've known me by now; getting consumed by my thoughts was something I always allowed to happen. I bring my tired eyes to her, giving her a reassuring nod and smile. We go back to finishing our pre-calculus homework, although we didn't have school tomorrow. But then again, I was a "goody-two-shoes" as Tommy always said. That was probably the only thing I wouldn't argue on with him.

All of a sudden, Tommy hops onto Lydia, tackling her on the bed while almost hitting me in the face with his stinky feet. I scrunch my nose and close my eyes, pushing them away while laughing. I look over at Lydia giggling, Tommy giving her light kisses all over her face. I start smiling, how could I not? I adored them so much. Neither one of them had to tell me how happy they were together or how much they loved each other. It was obvious. 

Being me, I decide to belly flop on top of them, ruining their very, very cute moment. After a  few seconds, Lydia whimpers, begging me to get off so that she can breathe. I listen and proceed to lift myself off.

"You'll find somebody one day, Liv. Don't worry." I smile and feel my cheeks heat up a little. She noticed me staring at her and Tom, how uncomfortable. 

Tommy sits upright on the bed, criss-crossing his legs and putting his arm around Lyd. "It's a Friday night and I'm stuck here watching you dorks do homework. I'm being bored to death!"

I put my hands up in defense as Lydia gasps, looking over at her boyfriend. "Hey! We did not force you to come."

I, surprisingly, agree with both of them. "Movie?" I say, nervously looking between them.

Tommy seems to like the idea, but then freezes. "Is junk food involved in this deal? Because then-"

"Yes!" I yell cutting him off, pulling both of them off the bed and down the stairs. I direct Lyd to get the heap of blankets and pillows while Tommy raids my pantry, not needing any permission from me. Then again, he is family.

After several minutes, once we were all settled under our warm blankets, Tommy and Lydia on the long couch while I was laying on the love seat, Insidious begins playing. 


My heavy eyelids become too much for me to deal with. I didn't think anyone was paying attention to the movie anyways; soft snores and relaxed breathing were coming from Lyd and Tommy. I allow my eyes to stay closed, but not for long as the quietness is interrupted by the vibrating of my phone. I unlock it, blinding myself before lowering the brightness and checking who the notification is coming from.

1-582-432-7419: Haven't seen you.

I knew exactly who it was. And I, for once, didn't hesitate to respond. I didn't know why I couldn't handle myself; why can't you just ignore him? I bet that's what the rest of his victims thought.

Olivia: I meant for that to happen.

He texts back immediately. That was unexpected to me. Was he not talking to 3,000 other girls blinded by him?

1-582-432-7419: Why?

1-582-432-7419: Why are you so difficult to talk to?

I scoff, taken aback. I had to admit; he was right. I didn't open myself up to someone right away. But you shouldn't.... right? Especially to Jack, out of everyone. I was getting myself tangled up in an ongoing mess by talking to him, but I couldn't make myself stop. And I didn't think that I liked it, or did I? No. Nope. Not at all.

Olivia: Wait how did you get my number?

1-582-432-7419: Your number was linked to your Instagram... Can you tell me why now?

I mentally cursed to myself. Why did I ever think that was a good idea? But, even weirder, why was Jack stalking my Instagram? I decided to let it slide.

Olivia: Because you can't be trusted, Jack. I don't want to be manipulated by you.

Olivia: I'm tired. It's late. I don't really want to get aggravated at 1 in the morning.

1-582-432-7419: I'm sorry.

Olivia: I'm confused? What are you sorry for?

1-582-432-7419: You left me when we were at the library. You were really upset.

1-582-432-7419: It was because of me, wasn't it?

Olivia: You are NOT sorry, Jack. Do you even know what 'sorry' means?

He doesn't text back. Instead, my phone goes to a different screen, and I see that Jack's calling me. I stare at the little phone icon on the screen, fighting with myself, not wanting to answer but wanting to answer at the same time. I take in a deep breathe and let it out, then hit the "answer" button.

"I'm sorry. I really, really am."

This was NOT the Jack I heard about.  I don't say anything, but my lips part, as if they were ready to speak without my permission. My eyes look around the room, before closing them as I rest my head against the armrest of the love seat, still holding the phone next to my ear. A smile plays on my lips, and for once, I don't try to stop it.

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