Chapter One- Taken

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Hello everyone!

Is this a new story?

Why yes it is.

Just enjoy.



Sky (Adam)'s POV

I grinned, as I saw Ty digging around in the wooden chest for a diamond sword. I laughed, as he closed the chest a huffed. He glared at me, his amber eyes flashing annoyingly. "What's so funny?" He snapped, crossing his arms.

I laughed again, holding up his diamond sword. He snatched his sword out of my hands, sighing. "Your so annoying." I gave a little evil laugh and picked up my own budder sword, from behind me.

"Hey, I only do it to annoy you." I walked next to him, patting his back. He rolled his eyes, walking out the door. I grinned again, then walked out the door to meet Ty and Jason.

Jason was looking at a pickax, his space suit helmet on the ground next to him. "Are we ready to go?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded, then looked at Ty- who was still annoyed.

"Yep." He muttered, glaring at me. To make it clear, I have been hiding that sword all day, and Ty has been looking for it for ages.

I gabbed a pickax- of course budder- and walked in front of them. I pointed my sword to a forest, then yelled, "Let us go!"

Jason laughed, picking up his helmet an putting it on. He grabbed his diamond sword and walked up to me. "Okay!"

Ty followed Jason, still glaring at me. "Come on Ty! It's just a sword!" I said, shrugging. Ty snorted, then repiled, "A sword that I have been looking for all. Day."

I gave him a fake smile, then walked into the woods. "I'll go ahead and meet you at the mines!" I called behind me, starting to run deeper.

After about 5 minutes of running, I am pretty sure I got lost.

I sighed, looking around the forest. "Damn it Adam..." I muttered to myself, biting my lip and looking around for anything that seamed familiar.


"Hey Adam, you know you went the wrong way, right?" I heard Ty's voice behind me, and I sighed. "Yeah, yeah. Where do you say I go then?" I turned around, looking at my friend.

"I suggest; right." Ty smirked. He pointed to the right, then laughed. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Shut up." I muttered, pointing my sword at him playfully. "Nah." He pointed his sword playfully at me back.

We both laughed, putting down our swords. "Got over the sword problem?" I smiled. "Sure thing." Ty grinned at me back, and we both high-fived.


"Jason, stop sneaking around. You still have on your bright blue and orange space suit." I pointed out, looking at the bush where the noise came from.

Crack, stomp.

"Jason, seriously? Don't freak us out." Ty said, his voice hard.

A dark shape of a person appeared into the shadows, looking straight at us. Soon an other next to the shape, and an other. "J-Jason?" I stuttered, backing up.

I turned around, seeing people where behind us aswell. One stepped up, looking straight at me.

"Adam Sky?" He asked in a deep voice. I backed up, hitting Ty. I nodded, not taking my eyes off the guy. "Your going to have to come with us."

"No. I am staying here." I said firmly, squeezing my sword. The guy had a suit on, with jet black hair. He had on a pair of sunglasses on. But not like my cool shades, evil-like ones.

"Sorry, but you have to." The guy said again, more forcefully. He put his hand into his pocket, and pulled out a small knife.

An other guy slowly walked next to him, pulling out a pair of cuffs. I widened my eyes a bit, then muttered, "Ty. Are you seeing this?"

I heard the hush whisper of Ty answering, "Yes."

"Where is Jason?"


"Are you sure?"

Ty paused, then sighed. "No."

I gripped my sword, my knuckles turning white because I was holding it so tight. The guy laughed, then walked toward me slowly. Soon, we where surrounded by people.

But they where all the same exact person. Black suits, black hair, and black sunglasses.

"All you need to do is come with us, and then everything will be so much easier." The one with the knife said, grinning insanely.

"No way I am going with you- you creep." I hissed, raising my sword at him.

"Wrong answer." He growled, then snapped his fingers. Two men appeared, holding and beat-up Jason.

"J-Jason!" I yelled. He was unconscious, and his helmet was off. He had cuts on his face, some where bleeding. His jet pack was ripped off, and is space suit dented in many places.

"Do you want this to happen to you?" The guy asked, smirking at us. "What the hell is wrong with you?!?" I yelled, fully mad.

"I told you. Come with us or that will happen to your other friend."


"Ty!" I said, whipping around. Ty was pinned to a tree, his sword broken in half. His mouth was covered by a hand, and a knife held at his neck.


"Now. Spaceman and headphones here can be let go while you come with us, or we can take you all by force." The guy laughed, spinning his knife in his hand.

I glanced at Ty, and Jason. I gulped, I could see Ty wanted me to fight. But what ever thy wanted me for, they want me bad. I sighed, glaring at the guy. He was smiling wickedly, then laughed, "Tick-tock Adam."

I glanced at my friends once more, then put down my sword and kicked it away.

The suited man grinned, then said, "Right choice. Knock him unconscious. Also headphones." The suited man laughed.

The last thing I yelled was, "You said they would be free!"

He laughed and then turned around, turning his head so he could just see me as four men grabbed my arms. "They shouldn't get in my way next time."

Then everything went black.



That all I have to say.



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