Chapter 16: Escape Plan

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My mind=Blown.


Adam's POV

Squid teleported back, and told us he won. Then walked away. He killed Ty. He. Killed. Ty. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and rage boiled up inside of me. A stood up, and closed my eyes. I can't see out of them anyways. Then I thought long and hard, and thought;

Can everyone here me?

"Did anyone else heard Adam's voice in their head?" I heard Jason called out, and then I heard murmurs of agreement. I smiled. It worked.

Okay. I found an other power. But that doesn't matter- we need to get out, fast.

"Adam, this is a big deal- and how will we?" I heard Mitch say, then I shook my head.

Um. Powers. Jason- you have wither bombs right? Like, when they give us our powers, Jason will have wither bombs. Bombs. Blast our way out. Use our magic abiltys. That's what Ty and Seto would do.

No one said anything, then I broke the silence with an other thought.

Are you guys with me or not?

I heard a sigh, and Jerome squeaked "Yes."

More followed, leaving me actually smiling. I haven't smiled in forever.

Good, next time we are all together, we use our magic and get outta here.

That concluded it, leaving the others waiting for what's coming next or muttering to themselfs. "Well, are you all ready?" Squid's voice boomed, laugher dripping from it.

I heard the push of buttons, and a leaver being pulled down. Suddenly, pain overcame me, and I let out a scream of pain. More screams followed, and I curled up into a small ball, and fainted.

----- About Three Hours Later -----

"Adam! Adam! Adam!" I voice woke me up, and someone shaking me. Mitch? I whimpered, getting up.

W-Where are we..?

"Cell. We have out magic. Do you want to rest or get outta here?" Mitch asked, helping me up. I shook my head, then thought.

Let's get out of here. Hold on. Seto talked about how one of Herobrine's powers are to look where he can't. Let me try that.

I thought of the outside world, then a image popped in my head. We where in the back. Forest surrounds us. About two wither bombs and we could get out.

Okay. We can get out by two wither bombs. Back wall. Jason, can you do that? Jerome and Mitch- watch out for gaurds. I'll help out Jason.

I heard the shuffling of feet, meaning that Mitch and Jerome had placed themselves somewhere. Jason helped me to the wall, and suddenly a loud bang echoed the room.

Jason had struck the wall.


This book is coming to a end.
Ahh it's been fun.
Last few chapters will be exciting.

<3 TheDiscoDino

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