Chapter Six- White Eyes

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Guess who's back?

Dats right!




Adam's POV

They dragged me back to my cell, and threw me in. I gasp in pain as my back hit the floor first, making my back hurt even more. I got up and walked - well, limped- to the back of my cell. I sat down in a corner, then sat down. Tears started forming and rolled down my cheeks, and I let them go. I don't care anymore. I just really don't.

A few hours later, they guy who kidnapped us walked up to my cell. "Aww. This the little baby crying?" He snickered, walking into my cell. I didn't react, then when he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, I still didn't react. I looked right at me, then laughed. "You have given up, have you? Hm. I thought you would be the last to give up, but I guess all we needed was to whip some sense into you!"

I closed my eyes, ignoring him. "Well. Adam. Let's go, you have an appointment to attend to." He voice crackled, then cuffed my hands. He pushed me forward, making me stumble forward. Losing my footing, I fell face-first and moaned in pain. Pain hit my back, making me realize- I had just been kicked. In the back. And it hurts. "Get up." The man's voice said, darker than before.

I pushed myself up, cringing a bit. Then the man pushed me forward again, but I caught myself before falling flat on my face again. I started walked forward, and out of my cell. The man's cold hands was on my shoulder, directing me where to go. We walked down lots of hallways, into finally a room with a chair. The chair was like a normal chair, just with cuffs for your feet, hands, and neck. I was shoved into it, my back hitting the back of the chair painfully.

I moaned, then squeezed my eyes shut as the man cuffed me down. When he got to my neck, he did it tightly. I could breath fine, but it was still tight.

I opened my eyes a bit, just to see the man looking at me with a twisted smile. He was holding a small knife in his hand, and all that I could do was whimper in fright.


No please no....

He walked up next to me, then lowered the knife lightly on my forehead. Then he started pressing harder, making the knife cut into my skin. I moaned in pain, tears springing to my face. He slowly cut my forehead, then lowered the knife to my left cheek. I felt blood creep down my forehead, onto my nose, and continued down my face. He cut my cheek deeply, and walked to my other cheek, and did the same.

By the time that was done, I felt hopeless. Tears where streaming down my face and blood was staining my shirt, also dried blood splattered on my face. He lifted the knife up to my eyes, then cut a little cut under each eye. He stepped back, nodded to himself, and walked back up to me.

I grabbed my hands and spread them out, then started cutting my fingers, each and every one. The he cut deep into the palm of my hand, and did the same to my other. I wailed in pain, my throat starting to hurt from all my screaming, or crying in pain.

I hate this. I hate him.

I hate everyone that wants this to happen. Who let's this happen.

Just why would people do that?

I let out an other cry of pain, then slummed back into the metal chair. I closed my eyes, sighing. "Well, Adam, you have two more stages then you are sent to an new cell." The guy said happily. I blinked open my eyes to see him opening some cabinets and checking for stuff in there.

He pulled out a gray liquid and grabbed a needle, and poured the liquid into the needle. The man turned around and walked to me again. Then he stabbed the shot right in. Pain screamed through my body, and I screamed in pain louder than I have before. I fell back, and passed out.


Ouch... M-My head...


Everything hurts...


Help us please....

I woke up, then blinked my eyes. Nothing. I don't see anything.

What? This can't be right. I-I am not...

I blinked more, nothing happened. Still darkness. More and more and more.

B-But this can't be happening!

I-I am not...


I started letting out sobs. No tears fell, I probably ran out of tears to cry. Blind, lost my friends, everything hurts.. Almost mute. I let out a sob again, then I heard footsteps walking to me. They stopped next to me, and something raised my chin. "Wonderful. Perfect. Blind- almost mute- the perfect fit." I heard the man's cruel voice.

He dropped my chin, and then started unlocking my chains. As soon as he was done, he put on handcuffs and lead me outside. He pushed me through hallways and corners, sometimes I would stumble. Once I fell, and he kicked me until I got back up. I hate this place.

"No! Where is Adam! You hurt Jason enough, changed us into what we are now- who the hell knows what's happening to Adam!" I heard a familiar voice yell. "He's right here. Just blind now, almost mute."

I was pushed to the ground, falling on my side. Pain burst from my arm and I let out a moan in pain. "Adam!" I heard Ty yell, then the shuffling closer. "Adam, you have to crawl to my voice. I can't reach you, you arn't in my cell. Me and Jason are in here, Jason is mute.." He trailed off, then I nodded. Jason's mute? 

I pushed myself up, then started crawling to Ty's voice. 

"Not so fast!" I heard a voice crackle and I felt a powerful kick into my side, sending my away from Ty and Jason. "HEY! What the hell?!?! He wasn't doing anything to you! Why did you do that y-you asshole!"

I winced, trying to get back up. I felt someone push me back down, then grab my collar and drag me away from Ty and Jason. 




????'s POV


The cell door was opening. 

Not again!

I buried my head into my once bright purple cape, now a dark purple with rips and tears all in it. I heard something getting dropped and then the click of the door being closed. 

I looked up, to see a boy- about my age- curled up into a ball. He looked beaten-up and hurt badly, and scared. I need to help him. 

He looks to much like Brice when we where brought here...

I shook that feeling off, then walked to the boy silently. I gently touched his shoulder, but he inched away and shiver in fear. "N-N-No..." He hoarsely said. I sighed in sadness, then replied; "Don't worry. I am like you. Brought here, taken away from my friends, tested on.." I trailed off. He nodded, then relaxed a little. 

"M-My name i-is Adam.." He said, coughing a bit. 

"Well Adam." I said, sitting down next to him. "Mine is Seto."




~ <3 


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