Chapter Two- Help

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And I am back!


No I didn't have any cookies.

Just so you know.



Ty's POV

My head is pounding, it hurts. A lot. I opened my eyes, looking around slowly. I was in a cell, with Jason and Adam. But Jason was still missing his helmet and jet pack, but Adam was missing his shades and amulet. Also he is looking pretty beat up.

I moaned, I was hurting all over. Rubbing my head, I found out I didn't have my headphones. I got up, pain shooting through my legs. I walked to my two friends, who where both leaning on the same wall.

"Jason..? Adam..?" I hoarsely whispered, trying to wake them. I heard Jason mutter something, then moan. Adam was still out.

"Jason! Adam!" I said, this time a little louder. Jason opened his eyes and moaned. He rubbed his head, then looked around. "W-Where are we?" He asked, his eyes widening in worry.

"I have no clue. Are you okay?" I asked, sitting next to him. He shook his head, frowning. "My head, and everything else. The people who attacked me did it very fast, and it hit everywhere." He rubbed his arm painfully, seeing where is suit was dented.

I closed my eyes, sighing. "On moment I was standing next to Adam, sword in my hand, ready for a fight. Then all the sudden, I was pinned to a tree, sword broken in half, and knife at my throat."

Jason sighed, then heard him move his head. Opening one eye, I looked at the spaceman. "Adam is still out." He muttered, gently shaking him. "His shades and amulet are missing. So is your headphones. I have no idea where my jetpack and helmet is, they ripped off my jetpack, and threw off my helmet as fast as lighting." Jason growled.

After a few minutes, Adam woke up. He looked around, eyes wide. You know, I really never get to see what color eyes he has, he never takes off those shades. And I mean never. ( A/N He has yellow eyes. C:)

"Great..." He muttered, bitting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut. Then he looked at us. "So, does anyone wanna say something to pass the time?" He sighed. "Sure, for starters, why didn't you fight? I just wanna know."

I asked, getting ready for something sappy to come at me. Adam darted his eyes, then blurted out, "I didn't want you guys to go through pain."

Jason snorted. "Yeah, that happened before you guys where attack for me."

Adam rubbed his hands though his hair, shaking his head. "Sorry, I should of waited with you guys, not have gotten lost."

I started to say something back, but footsteps interrupted me. "So, your all awake?" The guy that attack us earlier was standing in front of our cell, swinging a pair of handcuffs around like a toy.

"It's you." Adam growled, clenching his fist. "You said the others would be okay, not stuck here with me."

The guy laughed, then smirked at all of us. "Don't get in our way. Or you also get it." Then he looked right at me. "Now, I am going to need Ty Lox for a little while."

I muttered a few cuss words under my breath, then firmly asked, "Why?"

The guy just shook his head, and walked into the cell, closing the door behind him. Adam and Jason walked in front of me, getting ready for a fight. Suddenly, Jason and Adam was sent backwards onto a wall.

The guy grabbed my collar of my shirt, and clicked the handcuffs on. I pulled away from him, then fell backward. The guy laughed, then yanked me up once again. This time, he pulled out a knife and pointed it at me.

"Start walking or this won't cut you, got it?" I snorted, glaring at the guy. "I rather be hurt than be taken by you, or any of my friends."

"But here you are..." The guy said with a crooked smile. "Why are we here?" I heard Adam, still on the wall, he seemed frozen there.

"Oh, only because we need more people, mortals, like you three." He laughed, then walked a little closer to me. The knife was now inches away from my face, and he grinned. "Now come on, let's go."

I shook my head, then closed my eyes, waiting for pain. Nothing happened, so I opened my eyes. I noticed I was in a totally different room, with a table in the middle. Cabinets and chairs where on the walls, and a door. The door looked like on of those sliding door.

I gulped, then looked at the man. He grinned evilly, and pushed me onto the table. He locked me down, smiling evilly.

"Now, what should we do?"


Dunt killeh me.


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