Three months after the invasion the Pemakan leader Gorganol Davaela arranged an encounter with the world leaders, including the presidents of the G7, presidents and leaders from Asia, Africa and Americas, not excluding leaders from major religions. Gorganol was a very reclusive being. He had more personal reasons than collective ones to lead Earth invasion but his body couldn't process other species blood and that brought him serious health issues, therefore, eating human flesh and drinking its blood would be his salvation. Pemakan technology, or any other medicine and science present in the galaxy couldn't treat his syndrome. His only son, Huturelin, had the same malady. When the Pemakans approached Earth Gorganol crafted the Human Blood Pumping Machine. This machine enabled blood transfusion, of living donors, to his own bloodstream. It had six sarcophagus that, within physical contact, released needles into the donor's body. He took seven liters of human blood before meeting with human leaders for the first time. His eyes were twitching. Mouth opened revealing rows of teeth, one of the Pemakan's common morphology trait.
"Enough. I had enough for the day. Let them replenish their energies for the next session." Gorganol said.
"Are they allowed being in your presence during dinner, Sir?" His valet said.
"Yes. They give me life, so, I want them around when they are recovering, joining me in my meals. They understand the sacrifice importance."
"I'll release them right away, Sir." His valet said.
"This afternoon is very important. I'll receive the leaders delegation, to set my terms, and to reinforce our domain over them."
"You're doing an excellent job Sir, all Pemakan civilization recognizes your efficiency in bringing Earth as part of our territory."
"The Xemx are not happy with the decision to invade this planet and we must expect resistance. That's why I'll keep my armada stationed at Mercury's orbit, harnessing the sun's energy for future maneuvering."
"Wise decision my lord."
"Human blood make us all stronger and increases our natural lifespan, the right amount of Hydrogen/Oxygen mix enabled evolution of such delicious animals. We arrived at the right time when they're at optimal population size. Let the harvest time begin!" said Gorganol, "Let the delegation come on in at once."
He made each one of the human leaders to enter his chambers unaccompanied.
"Come on in Mr. president! It's always an honor to know the vanquished."
He laughed hard looking at his personal security in his own alien way.
"Spare me your sarcasm alien scum." The president said.
"I'm the one laughing here you miserable worm. Tase him!"
The Pemakan security came out of the shadows and dashed their lances into the president's back. The blow was so hard that he got knockdown almost unconscious.
"We'll never surrender to your madness!" The president said.
"I admire your ignorance. Now prepare him to the Cleansing."
The Cleansing, like they call it, means the clinical surgery that would put any life form into their control. Just a microchip like device planted inside their brain.
They kicked the president out of the room.
"Bring the religious leaders in now! I hope they're more tamable than their politicians.
"I hope you priests on this planet are more interesting that your politicians. So, please indulge me, what do you want to know from us before bowing?"
The Pope looked at the Iman, the Dalai Lama and the Pujari before taking a step forward to speak.
"It's an honor to be among such eminence. All I want to know is: do you, the Pemakan people, or at least part of your population, believe and worship Jesus our savior?"
Gorganol rose from his throne, looked at his personal guards, and said, "our people believe in many things, we're heterogeneous about spiritual beliefs. I know nothing about your Jesus, tell me more about him."
"He is the son of God, came to Earth to take away our sins through death and own blood."
"Interesting, maybe you're referring to Ishtar, our celestial warrior that came to our home world Tuksnesa to devour all evil, and becoming intoxicated by it, he died."
"So God bless Ishtar, the savior of the Pemakan people!" The Pope said.
"There's no such thing as the son of God, this is an abomination!" Said Iman, "there is only one true God, there is no son, only the divine truth prevails. And he shall slay the unbelievers!".
"Hum, most of our people also believe in the only God Hectoor. He brings fire to the incredulous among us."
"So bring us Hectoor, he'll purify the flesh of the infidels and bring to life, once again, our martyrs." Iman said.
"The last one of you, what do you have to say?" Gorganol said.
"All I heard was fire and death, it brings suffering, destruction and subjugation. My compassion goes to my human fellows and I hope, if you like, I can help you seek alternatives to your nations greed and fear, therefore, we can't resist change but we can enlighten the path to better days to come." Dalai Lama said.
"That's beautiful, I am touched," said Gorganol, "that's all for the moment. Send them to the Cleansing. You bored me."
Gorganol's security took them by their feet and dragged the group out of the room, not without protest.
"No! Don't do this to us, we can cooperate without force!" The Dalai Lama said.
Having all planet leaders under our control grant us free passage among these beasts, they'll send even their offspring to the slaughterhouse if we desire.
Huturelin entered the room dressed in luxurious military outfit.
"Father I can't stand being idle any longer. Give me some task in consonance to my position."
"I planned something special for you my son, you'll supervise all slaughterhouse construction sites and report only when they're operational."
"This is not what I believed you had for me, I'm no pig herder!"
"You'll do as I told. First prove you can manage simple tasks before asking me for power. Off you go."
Gorganol waved his hand in the air while calling for his valet.

Ephemeral-D - Human Diaspora
Fiksi IlmiahAfter two hundred and fifteen Earth years of the Pemakan dominion, with the military training and devices from the humanoids species Xemx, or the star worshipers, two fleets transporting almost seventy thousand people escaped and left Earth with no...