Downfall of the slaughterhouse

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When the night came the Pemakan became less active and lethargic, their body's metabolism needed high temperature environments and when it was cold, they entered a standby mode to conserve energy. So an attack to the slaughterhouse in the late hours seemed a good idea to the Naturals leaders. Furlong agreed and mobilized all rebels in a water treatment facility nearby the target location.

"It is time Jacob. Do you see the entrance? When it's gone we'll get in and take possession of the sentries. The Xemx provided us with the tools to break their security protocols." Furlong said.

"Listen up everyone!" said Braden, "Nowak will take the north side sentries and I the south ones, after that, we need to be in perfect coordination, or else we may blow ourselves up really bad. The Xemx also gave us transponders so the robots don't turn on one another."

Jacob glanced and passed through the rebels. Everyone staring and quiet. He put the hood on and walked toward the Slaughterhouse entrance, there was no movement, just two Pemakan guards chatting.

"Hey! You there. What's up with your legs? Look at that idiot Amihan! Let's teach him a lesson." One guard said.

They swayed their batons at Jacob.

Now is the time for you to disappear thought Jacob. His legs activated in all its thrust knocking down the two guards and, before he landed, the missiles fired hitting the solid iron door entrance into smithereens. The rebels ran inside but one guard called for Pemakan reinforcements. In minutes the enemy swarmed the place. One rebel misfired the sentry's turret and shot the furnace killing many rebels and prisoners while some Pemakan soldiers laughed at the human mistake. Jacob hit one of the building support pillars blocking incoming enemies from the back entrance. Amidst the havoc the rebels coordinated the sentries forming a line of offense so effective that the Pemakan soldiers got sprayed and disoriented. Jacob got on top of one sentry. Nowak was piloting it and glanced at Jacob. There was destruction in all directions. The Pemakan wasn't expecting this act of violence.


"Urgent report from Casper my lord."

"What now, some missing cows again? Get on with it." Gorganol said.

"A large group of human rebels attacked Their local slaughterhouse. They evacuated and found refuge in the Xemx exclusion zone."

"My patience with the Xemx presence here on our domain is getting to my nerves. Who is the leader?"

"A former American military, General Furlong."

"Cockroach! This insect has contacts among the Xemx embassy. It must stop!"

"Just another issue Sir."

"Go on with it!"

"Huturelin died in the attack, Sir. His body is on our morgue."

"That cannot be!" Gorganol said.

I told him that that haven of depravity would be his demise. My agents told me he was always sniffing for fresh meat at the slaughterhouse thought Gorganol.


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