Getting back home

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 "I must go to my old house in Casper Chet, my family are there awaiting me. Gina went back to find her parents." Braden said.

"I understand my friend but I fear you may find trouble along the way. I'll ask General Furlong for some of his men to escort you."

Chet grabbed Braden's neck.

"I appreciate that very much, brother. Now it's time to prepare for departure. I'm leaving at sunrise." Braden said.

Everybody was very busy in the bunker, organizing supplies and reverse engineering enemy technology. Even though they received help from the Xemx, all of them expected the worse. Chet went to his improvised quarters. Collapsed in the hammock in exhaustion.

I can't believe I'm own my now. How could that happened? Garret is out there, who knows were, and Martha, my God.

Tears flowed through Chet's face. For some strange reason he could only mutter for some time before passing out: "the titans are coming, the titans are coming!"

Humanity history log: Pemakan fleet arrived with no warning and they used nuclear weapons and biological neutralizer gas, stunning whole urban cities around the globe. Ground troops started the siege of Earth and remain there to the time of this record.


Casper, Wyoming.

"Go to bed Bobby!"

"But I don't want to sleep mom."

"Night is falling, all of us must go to bed. You know it little rascal!"

"No, it's so boring to go so early to bed."

"Okay. Let me tell you a story to help you sleep." Gina said.

"Once upon a time, man lived well on planet Earth, we disagreed on how to live together, but we solved this kind of problem with violence. One day, without announcement, the boogeyman came from the skies, torched our cities and trapped us inside the remaining buildings."

"But why did they do it mom?"

"Gina stop saying these things to Bobby. You know how I hate this education of yours."

"I'm getting there, little boy! Don't listen to your father. As I was saying, they wanted to play with us you know, when the night falls they go out in the streets to see if everybody is asleep and takes those that disobey to their castle in the mountains for dinner."

"Stop mom. I don't like this story."

"That's all wrong Gina, I'll tell you the real story about the invaders Bobby. Here it goes." Braden said.


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