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-Raymond Jones you are the father to 4 month old Kaden carter Jones...

When I read the the note I was kinda shocked I thought I wrapped it up I called up Shayla and told her.i told her to come by my house so I could tell the family what was up I know my dad thinks something but the truth gon come out today.


So at the party me and Quan was dancing we went to the bar area got us a couple drinks and got back up I was happy I came.Me and Tina favorite song came on Trey Songz-We should be

-Djs playing the last song we been dancing all night long I wanna hold you in my arms girl its time that we get gone cant control it any longer the feelings just to strong baby you know its such a beautiful thing the way we doing are thing the way we doing it we should be making love-

Quan:Lol girl you singing

Me:Yes this my favorite song *I said cheesin*

Quan was just laughing at how goofy I was.

Quan:Girl Ashley you so outgoing and got I like that

Me:Lol I guess I'm goofy ,so how old are you

Quan: I'm 17 wbu

Me:I'm 16

Quan:Wow we are perfect for each other *When he said that I just put my head down cuz I was blushing*

Quan:Ash you don't need to hide it I like that *He made me laugh even more*

Me:Can you cook?

Quan:these some random ass questions but yeah

Me:You gon cook me some food or nah? 😂😂

Quan:Bol girl you must be hungry

Me:I'm always hungry 😂😂

Quan:Can I get your number Ashley?

Me:Yeah (6501532547)

Quan:Okay you wanna go to get something to eat or?

Me:Nah but we can do that another day I'm super tired

Quan:Lemme take you home


When he dropped me off he pulled me into a kiss it felt like 10 minutes but it was like 2 we stopped when his phone ranged it was Keith.I walked into my momma house and fell asleep on the couch.


Yesterday Ray asked me can I cook a feast I was feeling kinda hungry myself so I said why not I was cooking candy yams, friend chicken ,mac and cheese,biscuits,collard greens and a I got a little cake from the bakery. I got to cooking it was about 9:35 in the morning. Tina came down all washed up and decided to help me cook and clean.

Tina:Morning Ma

Me:Morning BabyGirl

Tina:Mama you want me to help you?

Me:Yes please

She helped me cook and clean the house was spotless and the smell of food filled the house.When we was done it was about 7:49PM. When Ray got out his room he said he was coming back in 10 minutes.Me,Daniel and Tina waited at the table for Ray to arrive and when he came back he came in with a 4 month old baby boy and a 17 year old girl.

Me:Ray who is this ?

Ray:Ma,Dad and Tina this is my son and my ex girlfriend

When he said that Daniel was looking pissed.

Tina:Hey girl what's your name?

??:My name is Shayla, I didn't mean for anything to happen like this I just needed to tell y'all as soon as possible

Daniel:So Shayla how do you know the baby is my so-

Ray:It is dad , I got the papers the other day

Daniel was silent and got up and went to our room.

Tina:Aww can I hold him?

Shayla:Yes of course

Shayla handed Tina the baby. I held the baby after Tina the baby is a brown skin with pretty brown eyes He's Ray's baby alright.

Me:Well a new addition cant hurt nobody welcome to the family Shayla and Kaden. kaden just giggled and Shayla said thank you we ate then it was time for Kaden to sleep so Shayla left and we cleaned up.Daniel was acting up so I ignored it and went to sleep.


I called Ashley to see if we could chill today she said the was at the hospital with her dad he had a back problem I felt bad for her so I bought flowers and asked he for the address and drove to the hospital.When i walked in i saw Ashley she seemed like she been crying i gave her a hug and we went to the 2nd floor to her dad room. He was looking kinda skinny i placed the flower on the table in the room.

Me: Hello Mr.McClain

Mr.Mclain:Call me David

Me:Hello David I got you some flowers

David:Thanks*He said with a half smile*

David:My daughter told me so much about you

Me:Oh foreal? I said smiling at Ashley

David:Yeah I hope you treat her right

Me:Oh no doubts about it I will

David went to sleep and I walked out the room with Ashley.

Me:so where do you want to go?

Ashley:I don't know um lets just go to the beach and chill


I drove to the beach we got out took our shoes off and we just ran around like little kids.We ate some shrimp at a bar right by the tiki huts and just talked about are selves.It started to rain so we ran back to the car and just sat there I think we feel asleep all I remember was hearing rain.


Me and Keith are suppose to be going to the fair later so I got dressed in some short my neon green toms my neon green tank top and I was out and when I got into the car Keith had on a white and blue polo fit on. We drove to the fair and got on the drop,the screamer,the Farris wheel and others.We went to get some food this food was bomb it was chicken fingers and fries with honey mustard sauce.Keith was laughing at me cuz of the noises I was making while eating.

Keith:Damn Tina slow down it ain't going nowhere

Me:Shut up making me feel fat 😂😂

Keith was laughing he almost fell.thats what his ugly ass get 😂😂

Keith:Why you laughing that shit hurt *I guess he hit his butt cuz he kept rubbing it. I grabbed his ass he turned around so quick I was laughing at the way he was looking*

Me:Yass Firm!

Keith:Girl you so weird 😂😂

Me:We both are

He learned in and gave me a passionate kiss when he pulled away I looked away he was smiling my night was perfect.

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