CHAPTER 15 (Holding On)

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Doctor:Family of Quan Robinson...


When the doctor called us we all stood up me and both me and My and Quan's mom walked to the doctor.

Doctor:well the bullet was jammed in his shoulder bone but we managed to get it out.

Hes in room 440 y'all can go see him one by one though. Momma said I should go first which I did when I opened the door I was so happy to see Quan.

Me:Omg Quan i was so scared I thought I was gon lose my baby but I'm happy you ok now(I gave him a hug but I think I hugged him too tight because he was grunting)

Quan:Lol Hey bae you look so beautiful and I told you thugs don't die

Me:Lol shut up ,But you really needa get out the streets I'm foreal

Quan:baby I know but I'm dedicated to the streets

Me:Quan you gon get yourself killed I would not be able to live with myself knowing that you could be here one sec the the next you gone forever

Quan:*Sighs*I know ima quit just not right now

Me:I tried but your really not listening it's whatever bye I got to go

Quan:Ashley c'mon

Me:What I am not gonna sit around and watch you kill yourself

Quan:So what you tryna say?

Me:I'm tryna say it's either you quit or we quit


Me:exactly what I thought I'm sorry but I can't sit here and watch you do this(I said taking off my ring and leaving it on the table)

As I got up Quan grabbed my arm and said "if you really loved me you'll understand"

Me:If you really loved me you'll do what's best for our child(With that said I got up and left the room)

When I got downstairs everybody was asking me questions I said "Hes aight he just don't know what he wants" I walked to my car and drove off home.


Damn she pregnant I mean of coarse I'm happy she pregnant it's just now I really got to starting waking my ass up and seeing reality.A few minutes later my momma came in.

Momma:Baby you okay?

Me:Ya momma but Me and Ash aren't engaged anymore

Momma:what happened

Me:she told me she don't want me in the streets anymore and I'm still tryna get this cash so she took off her ring and said"if I really love her I'll do what's best for our child

Momma:she's pregnant wow Quan you really gotta step up and be a man about this you can't lose her at a time like this you know you need her

Me:I know momma I know

After she left the room Terrance and Keith came in the room.

Them:Aye Quan

Me:Wassup with y'all?

Terrance:I'm not doing so well but I'm living

Keith:I'm straight just all of Tina's cussin got me annoyed

Me:well at least y'all got y'all girl

Them:What you mean

Me:I'm not engaged anymore

They was shocked when I told then the whole situation.  I really do love Ash I gotta do what I know is right leave the streets.

Tina birthday bash tomorrow and doc told me they could release me later or tomorrow morning I hate this hospital so I called up my momma and told her to come so they can release me.I got dressed and the nurses told me I had to use crutches I ain't one to complain so I used em. Momma signed me out and once I got home Ash was in the bedroom she came downstairs helped me get upstairs and she helped me shower.Once I was done showering she brought me some food and damn that food was good chicken rice mashed potato and homemade lemonade. She is wifey type we need to talk this out foreal.





Me:Everything,You done so much for me and I really don't show my appreciation and I'm sorry for that

Ash:It's ok and your welcome

Me:And ima quit

When I said that she dropped her spoon and looked up at me.

Ash:If your only doing this because I'm asking you too don't do it because you want too

Me:I want to ,I want to do this for our future we got a baby on the way so of coarse I wanna be here 24/7

Ash got up walked to me and helped me up and we hugged.

Me:now can you put this back on and never take it off(I said referring to the ring)

Ash:Of coarse(She said smiling hard asf)

Me:There's that smile I fell in love with


Me:how's my seed doing

Ash:perfectly fine(she said rubbing her small belly)

After we ate I washed the dishes Ash was already sleeping. When I was done I placed em in the cabinets and drawers. After that I hopped in bed with my fiancé and we was knocked out just tryna get ready for the big birthday party tomorrow.


Today is Tina and Kaden's birthday bash I was getting dressed. When I was brushing my teeth Terrance walked in the bathroom he hopped in the shower without saying a word to me. Its so silent now it's like I'm not even here 10 minutes later he walked out and brushed his teeth I was in the closet looking for something to wear when he came in the closet and reached over me for his khaki pants and his red polo shirt. I lotioned up and put on my pink sun dress since we gon be at the beach.He kept staring at me and I was getting annoyed.

Me:What,what are you staring at

Terrance:My girl

Me:you wasn't saying that when you was ignoring me

Terrance:*sighs* come here(I walked over to him and sat on his lap)

Terrance:I'm sorry I just wanted to have a child with you I don't want to rush you when the time is right we'll have kids

Me:aww baby it's ok ,and we gotta get going so we won't be late

With that said I got up and so did he I grabbed my purse and my phone and we was out the door. It was a 30 minute drive and once we got there it was Tina's family was their so was Ashley, Quan , Shayla ,Kaden and all our parents. This party was wonderful Kaden was all up in the water with his little friends and Tina and Keith was just dancing they was too cute. there was a cake with two sides it was chocolate and vanilla frosting it had about 3 layers. The party was about 5 hours long when we was all done we talked for a while then we all started to leave.


I am 3 months pregnant and today is my birthday !! Keith woke me up by jumping on the bed. I was ready to push him off until he picked me up and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!"

Me:Lol thanks bae

Keith:Now wake up I made you breakfast

When I got downstairs it was a breakfast feast Keith cooked eggs bacon grits pancakes sausages and hash browns.

Me:Omg thank yo-

When u was about to say thank you Keith momma came from hiding behind the closet.

Momma:you welcome baby

Me:Lol I should have known Keith

Keith:Lmaoo but I did help

Me:Sure you did thanks momma

After we ate we hopped in the shower and made sure we wasn't gon be late for the party. It would look bad for the birthday girl to be their late. Once we got their it was too turnt everybody was dancing but we had to keep it PG Cuz it was Kidd around The cake was wonderful. Me and Kaden was dancing we was killing the nae nae   we all started to leave once me and Keith got home we raced to the bed and was knocked tf out.

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